Beyond Stupid

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Dr. Puri screamed out in pain, though her expression got drowned out in the thunderous rumbling of the collapsing ground platform that she busted through. Instead of pulling 21's head out from the rubble and smashing it back in again, like she's been doing for a while, Chayote kicked the entrapped Android clean through the rubble. This sent Puri smashing through the ground and building ruins alike.

Chayote soared through the sky like an arrow with her foot stoutly sticking out. It cracked into the bottom of Android 21's chin, forcing Puri's neck to churn as it stretched out to nearly twice its length. Considering her opponent's extended neck hilarious, Chayote whipped her right leg back and forth, smacking the Artificial Human's head about on both sides while her strained neck retracted to normal length. Just as her irises were beginning to return to her, signaling that Dr. Puri was snapping out of her daze, Chayote grabbed hold of Puri's shoulder and spun her around fast enough to form a natural whirlwind around the artificial woman.

Another deafening crack resonated through the demolished city landscape. The whirlwind gasped for fuel but, as it found none, it dissipated in a violent expulsion of air in all directions. Puri shot skyward and through the clouds, challenging the upper layers of the atmosphere in just a few blinks' time. Buzzing through the skies, Chayote flew in with a vertical flip kick and bashed her spinning foot straight to the top of Android 21's head. This punted the Artificial Human back down like a flaming comet. The rampaging Super Saiyan vanished once more, catching up to her falling opponent and pushing her foot into Puri's chest with a battle cry and stomping her to crash back down even faster.

Puri's eyes fluttered slowly. Testing just how much light and awareness they could sift through before her failing systems caused the artificial woman a rampant headache. Chayote lowered slowly in a flaunting pose, with her entire body stiffened and beaming her muscular prowess while she stared down at her fallen foe with wide, teal-colored eyes. Despite the apparent madness in her gaze, something made Chayote hesitate from attacking. It was only when 21 tried to pick herself up that she realized she was impaled on a bunch of rebars of collapsed debris and loosely hung over boiling magma down below.

Puri was a mess. Battered, broken, and bruised. Her once lovely auburn curly hair was now just a mad haystack soaked in the bio-fluid used as a blood replacement for Artificial Humans. That same bio-fluid drenched Puri's face. Her glasses had long since smashed to pieces with some of the glass still stuck in Artificial Human No. 21's face and pumping trickles of bio-fluid down. Her lab coat and dress had been a network of torn strands of rags and Puri's right arm hung loosely attached to a handful of wires while her left leg had splintered off of her body and fallen into the lava below. Oddly enough, it didn't melt, just float on the surface, though the fire it had caught from the heat failed to damage it consistently.

"So it's over... Huh?" Dr. Puri muttered with a husky tone. Despite her best attempts to sound defiant in the face of her impending obliteration, her tone passed more for being submissive, as it lacked any hint of aggression. "Look around this place. This is the Earth that you've saved from the horrible, sick, and twisted Dr. Puri..." the Android coughed out. Even though her visual input lagged and glitched out when she turned her head to face the bane they've etched into the flesh of their own home planet, she felt responsible for seeing it all before she went away.

Chayote raised her hand over her head. A lemon-colored energy blast formed in a crackling sparkle and began growing in size as the Super Saiyan put more and more energy into it. The Saiyan snarled while her tail lashed left and right. Like a dog that waited for an order to sic, Chayote was impatient to obliterate the woman that had nearly ruined her little corner of paradise she's found on Earth. The sooner this all is over, the sooner peace will return to Earth. No more Saiyans, no more demons, no more Frieza Army... The universe will, at last, be a safe enough place to raise a child.

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