The Terrifying Ki Vampires - Androids

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The pair of pale figures lurking inside of the dark lab lashed out at once, without prior warning. All throughout their focused advance, they've maintained the stone-cold, apathetic glares. Neither Piccolo nor Bardock has ever faced anyone who tried to kill them, meanwhile looking like they didn't even care if they lived or died in the end.

The chubby male dashed up to Bardock, packing a wallop that crashed right through Bardock's attempts to block it. The Saiyan winced and grunted in pain as it felt like the marshmallow-faced assassin had swung a sledgehammer to break mere matchsticks. Air brushed against Bardock's cheeks, as it was tough to orient in complete darkness. It was only when total and overwhelming pain from the back took over that the Saiyan realized his enemy had moved in a split-instant right behind him.

By now Bardock had been so accustomed to being able to carry himself through a battle by tracking his opponent with their Ki that having no awareness of his enemy made the warrior's heart grow ice-cold. The overweight, extravagantly dressed assassin walloped Bardock with a stout and balanced stance, swinging from his hips rather than his whole body and barely employing feet at all. Warmth washed over Bardock from his back as the contrast between light and darkness felt tormenting.

A merciless Ki blast carried Bardock off to the whole other end of the lab, detonating in a splendid display of flash and flare. The Saiyan bruiser peeled his face up off the ground, wiping the blood and slobber from his face with his sleeve as his eyes finally focused on the enemy. A massive and weird-looking guy like that shouldn't have been able to slip away from sight and yet...

"You move pretty quick for a fatso, huh?" Bardock grumbled before taking a fighting stance. The two charged at each other, dashing over the floor of the old lab and shuffling in between various computers and test tubes, clashing in the middle of it with a thunderous smack that devastated the glass tubes and rattled the steel frames. The obese white-skin with an icy stare answered Bardock's backhanded crash with a step-in backhand smack of his own.

Yet when Bardock transitioned into an overhead double ax handle slam, he felt a soft and welcoming, utterly unmoving barrier of his hefty opponent. Something felt off. Bardock should have had more strength than that. The harder Bardock pushed, trying to overwhelm his opponent, the more the enemy seemed to feel comfortable stone-walling Bardock's attempted struggle of power.

A mighty push-kick sent Bardock rolling backward, reeling in pain, while his opponent rushed in with a clocking headbutt that flattened the Saiyan on the lab floor inside of a cracked crater. Not even when he faced Frieza did Bardock feel such immovable hardness and unstoppable force crashing his way. The sound of cloth ruffling through the sky alerted Bardock, albeit too late. The massive human cannonball slammed its rear over Bardock's lower body, robbing the Saiyan of the will to resist as the pale chubby pounded on his grounded opponent from both sides with a sadistic smirk. This may have been the first time that he showed any hint of authentic emotion.

"Your Ki is inconsequential compared to that of King Cold's, yet I will take it nonetheless." The immovable powerhouse declared as he lifted Bardock off the ground by his head, gripping it firmly in his palm. Something glassy and smooth felt like it rubbed against the Saiyan's forehead, at the very center of his opponent's palm, but it wasn't a refreshing feeling, nor was it painful. Bardock felt utterly helpless for a brink of a moment, and that single point in the center of his opponent's hand felt like the reason why that was. That was where all of his fleeting will and vigor went to.

Piccolo collided with the female assailant, exchanging blows without either fighter giving the other too much quarter. It seemed like both kept plenty of their strength back, waiting for the opponent to overextend before punishing them. The instinctual fighting talent and sage wisdom that were part of the Super Namekian made him curious if the enemy knew his strength and would have underestimated him. It was something he intended to punish if he scouted any signs of it.

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