The Limitless Energy Of Youth

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"Somebody, help!" Gohan yelled out after bursting back home with his grandmother in his hands. The sudden commotion made both the Ox-King and Chi-Chi run out to the kitchen and meet the frightened boy. Ox-King took the panting, semi-conscious Gine from little Gohan's hands while Chi-Chi fell down to examine her son.

"What happened, Gohan-chan? Are you hurt?" Chi-Chi said in a worried tone as he turned her boy around to inspect him for injuries, felt his temperature, and examine him for any signs of malady before Gohan could even muster up his answer.

"No. It's grandma. Something's wrong, she looked tired for a while and then she just collapsed..." Gohan replied.

"Oh, boy... She's burning up..." Ox-King scratched her back of his head, tilting his large, horned helmet to the right side awkwardly. This result required the large man to flip the Saiyan woman over his shoulder so he could fix his head accessory and see straight.

"She must be down with something. What could it be? Food poisoning?" Chi-Chi wondered, pressing her knuckles to her hips with a perturbed face. "Gohan-chan seems okay, if this is a virus of some sort, it may be too early for him to go down with it yet."

"I'm going to lay her down on the bed, someone should tell Bardock about it." Ox-King pointed out.

"Gohan-chan, your grandfather must be training with Goku-sa, as usual. I'm can't go talk to him myself, I need to prepare something to knock your grandma's temperature down a peg or two, she'll also want some warm water when she snaps out of this. Someone needs to stay with her and see if she needs anything." Chi-Chi placed her hand on Gohan's head after leaning down to his level.

"Okay, maybe I should drop by the Korin Tower for some Senzu? They can cure injuries, maybe they can cure illnesses too?" Gohan wondered.

"That's a brilliant idea, Gohan-chan!" Chi-Chi gasped. "But you shouldn't bother yourself with that. Let's let your father or grandfather take care of that. If this is contagious, you may have gotten it too. I've never seen a disease quite like this, so I won't risk my boy falling out of the sky and passing out all by himself over some wasteland. If your Ki drops to a dangerous low, we may not find you anymore. I want you within an arm's reach where I can see if the sickness hasn't caught on."

"Right!" Gohan nodded. "I'll go tell dad and grandpa then!"

"They shouldn't be far. Those two are always duking it out somewhere around Mt. Paozu..." Ox-King pointed out while stuffing himself through the doorway leading into the guestroom of the Son Family Home with Gine still in his hands.

"This could be bad... I've got a bad feeling about this..." Chi-Chi shook her head as her nose sunk down to the ground and her eyes became moist without there being anything that the woman could do to help herself.

"Don't worry, Gine is Goku's mother, right? She'll kick that disease's butt like nobody's business. Plus, doesn't that friend of Bulma's, Dr. Puri, or whatever, own a company of innovative medical technology? We can just ask her to place Gine in one of her facilities and treat her to the best medical care in the world." Ox-King tried to soothe his daughter's worries. Despite the best of intentions, the man's words just splashed at the wall of despair and just ran trickling down on it.

"W-What!? Gine is sick!?" Bardock froze in terror, his fist just a few inches short of Goku's face while Gohan's father stopped himself from landing some mean blows on his old man too. "Where is she?"

"She's back home. Mother is taking care of her for now. We've spoken about one of us going to Korin's Temple to get some Senzu. Since they treat injuries, maybe they should be able to treat sicknesses too?" Gohan mumbled out, prodding his two fingers, feeling both embarrassed by making wild theories like this when his grandmother's life was at stake and worried that something bad might happen.

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