The Deadly And Precise Death Bullet

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Piccolo's arms lit up with crackling bursts of energy. With potent thrusts, he unleashed a hail of Ki blasts with semi-competent homing that arced around before homing in on Frieza in his hideous new form. The tyrant continued to float in mid-air while the blasts laid a siege on his defensive ramparts but it was for naught as with just a glimpse of Frieza's through the dust cloud it became all too clear that he was not about to cave in to such a manner of attack.

The oval-shaped alien overlord blinked away from the cloud while Piccolo channeled a greater amount of energy into a Ki blast. With the Super Namekian sending it hurling toward Frieza, the tyrant vanished away with the mighty sphere of concentrated energy ripping through a mere visual mirage while Frieza blinked an entire distance between them to deliver a crunchy right hook to Piccolo's jaw that made the Namekian's eyes grow dull as they extended his neck more than it would have been possible for a mere human to do so.

When Piccolo's sight next returned to him, he clenched his fist, sending the final, most powerful Ki blast he had just launched vaulting right back, aiming to hit Frieza in the back but when the flat-faced alien just turned his lips upward and vanished away, Piccolo realized that he'd need to deal with his own Chasing Bullet. The Super Namekian dashed up, having experienced a similar type of trickery already, but as a tax of this evasive maneuver, he lost the track of his opponent.

Piccolo closed his eyes, sensing the most subtle of aerial vibrations before exclaiming a proud battle cry and throwing a wayward, stiff push-kick to his right. His foot hit something adamant, like an egg trying to break through a brick wall. Frieza stared at him with a minor grievance that the Namekian had stopped his rapid motion assault, but Piccolo's counterattack didn't cause any semblance of pain or irritation in his opponent that would have made the emperor flip his switch from chillingly polite to frighteningly sadistic.

A rough grunt left Piccolo's chest when Frieza's tail wrapped itself around his heel and dragged him over his head. Everything whited out when with a shrill shriek the sadistic emperor began treating him like a punching back while Piccolo hung helpless and subdued on one leg. Frieza lacked the ingenuity and fighting chops to keep at him for long. Soon enough the tyrant flung Piccolo up and rotated around with his legs extended, smacking the Namekian aside before extending his finger that lit up with a vibrant glow of hot pink.

Instead of sending a beam of a relentless barrage of them, Frieza dragged his finger like a pen across a white sheet, dragging a line out in space and sending his overflowing Ki in a slashing Ki projectile hurling toward his airborne opponent. Piccolo roared in pain with whited-out eyes as the crescent projectile slashed through his violet Gi and exposed his body with a gruesome, bleeding scar across his chest. Somehow, the Super Namekian held himself together and maintained his body weight while dragging the back of his hand across his mouth where he felt a bloody taste. As expected, more than a smidgeon of it stayed on Piccolo's arm when he did so.

"Enjoying yourself? I certainly hope so. I would hate to bore a treasured guest who did his best and pushed me to a workout of my life," Frieza chuckled to himself in a grumbling, fishy tone. All the results of him lacking a proper pair of nostrils to filter air through.

"Humph," Piccolo grumbled, extending his arms out to his sides. "I hate the thought of powering up to my very limit before you. It sickens me to my gut that I have to work my hardest against a complete amateur who lucked out to be born to such immense power. Still, as a martial artist, it is my duty to prove that no matter how powerful you are, you will never taste victory like someone of profound skill does."

"Oh? So, you have been holding something back even now? Well then, let's see it if you aren't bluffing this time," Frieza whipped with his tail, resolving himself to wait just long enough until he grows bored until he next begins punishing this Namekian insect who got this far.

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