Wings of Bruisin'

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A desperate plight for mercy rung through the air as villagers fled in all directions. The unfortunate would-be victims were cornered in between a rising mountain plateau and a seemingly bottomless abyss where the mountainous region of the north-eastern part of the continent ended in a great canyon. This unfortunate situation offered the villagers very few options and most of them gave them merely the luxury of choosing the manner of their own demise.

Blaster bolts pierced the flesh of the fleeing humans, leaving fist-sized burnt-out holes in them as they fell flat and dead, those few soldiers that took a much more personal attitude toward this mission and took more enjoyment out of this engaged the villagers head-on. This brutish and sadistic behavior came as an example of the actions they saw their ruthless leader commit as a bulky, brown-skinned gargoyle covered with spikes and hardened skin swung about the village.

Lord Slug's commander known as Wings employed a great manner of brutality in dispatching of the Earthlings on his sight. He swooped down, scooping up everyone in his reach and letting them fall to their doom, punched and kicked straight holes in his victims or smashed and stomped them into the ground as humans popped like grapes in the mercy of Wings' super-powered grip. It was because of this innate brutality of the alien invaders that nobody stopped to look when a square-shaped Ki wave blasted Wings aside and crashed him into the mountain while dissolving a good chunk of his army that floated around him into ash as well.

A pale and tiny ghoul floating beside him extended his fingers, resonating telekinetic ripples that halted those plummeting into the canyon to their doom and stopped the blaster bolts in mid-flight, providing the fleeing civilians with a chance to get away while the soldiers began looking around in confusion as to what was happening. With a creepy smirk on his face, Chiaotzu twitched his fingers, ordering the halted plasma bolts to etch and burn inside the chests of Lord Slug's soldiers.

"Nice work, Chiaotzu," Tenshinhan acknowledged the great effort from the part of his friend. "Leave the big creep with wings to me."

"B-But he's insanely strong!" Chiaotzu yelped a puny objection as the frightened civilians still floating in the air elevated over the edge they plummeted down of and landed firmly on the ground on the other side of the canyon.

"It's not just that. His Ki is utterly rotten..." Tenshinhan closed his two normal eyes while the third one remained fixed on Wings who wrestled and rolled himself out of the rubble where Tenshinhan's blast sent him flying into. An intense, bright aura began coiling around Tenshinhan, making the very outline of his essence fade and fuse with the Ki that he had concentrated. "My instincts were right, he seems to be a demon of the Evil Tribe!"

"Evil Tribe? You mean Piccolo is up to no good again!?" Chiaotzu freaked out, smacking his red cheeks in fright.

"I don't think so. After reincarnating and making his fusion with Kami permanent, Piccolo lost the ability to spawn Evil Tribe underlings to do his bidding for him. None of King Piccolo's goons could have been or become strong enough to spawn someone like this. The nature of this monster is a mystery. I know we planned to join Goku in South City but we must stop him here before that!" Tenshinhan declared, clenching a strong fist out in front of him and gritting his teeth in wrath over the horror he saw Wings and his platoon wreak upon the Earth.

"Stop me?" Wings croaked out. The Evil Clansman had an absence of a notable nose and thick fishy lips. Thick, bony protrusions stuck out for eyebrows and spikes and sharp ridges of bony plating appeared to be the substitute of choice for hair on this demon. Tenshinhan's blast had shredded all semblances of Lord Slug's armor off of Wings and exposed the winged demon warrior the way he truly was. Frightening, bulky, and abhorrent. "I'll pound you into the dust, Earthling!"

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