Trunks Unleashed

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Trunks scanned the surrounding mountainous region. The scouter on his cybernetic half of the face beeped and squeaked with warnings. It was tough to believe that such a white and quiet area could be so deadly. While most martial artists with great Ki control could protect themselves from the harm of radiation, Trunks' unique semi-artificial body build provided him with even better protection than anyone else's.

"Trunks, how's the comlink?" Bulma reached the future version of her son through the communications network.

"You're not on the God's Temple? I think it's got to be the safest there, right? Gohan stayed behind to protect that place in case 21 surprises us with upgrades that let her armies bypass magical barriers," future Trunks noticed Bulma's signal lacking any usual choppy properties when coming from behind the magical barrier and its location being noted significantly further away.

"I'm onboard the Capsule Corps Star. I don't think there's a safer place on Earth's orbit, at least until Puri hacks it. Someone's got to stay behind and see what they can do to prevent Puri from taking control over a cybernetic star..." Bulma replied. "I'm picking up signals incoming your way."

"I'm aware of them. You forgot I can track electromagnetic signals and Ki?" Trunks replied.

"Right... I guess you've grown into a bit less helpless little man than my own Trunks..." Bulma ran her hand through the hair nervously before Trunks ordered the visual projection to turn off as the skies began swarming with giant humanoid robots with cannons sticking all over their limbs like a part of their exoskeleton. These were just a handful of different models, duplicated over and over and over again as if produced by a conveyor belt.

It was a sign that Trunks was going the right way.

The future traveler stopped in place, slipping his bulky human arm and his cybernetic one from under the cover of his jacket that he flapped behind him like a cape. Trunks' double-barrel cyber shotgun integrated through a connection with his cybernetic arm while electrical crackles lit up at the end of the barrel.

"Do you need help?" Bulma asked through the speakers.

"I'm going to put you on hold," Trunks closed his eye and breathed a cold puff of breath out as signified by a stream of white vapor as he swung his integrated cyber-arm back. "While my sword might be broken, Kami Upa taught me to forge a new one. One that doesn't break as long as my spirit stays intact."

Two identical beams of energy shot out from Trunks' double-barrel gun, connecting by the middle into a single claymore of crackling energy, twice the length of Trunks' body. The semi-converted warrior from the future vanished with a snap, leaving only trails of after-burns from his crescent-shaped slashes as, one by one, each tall robotic suit flinched in place. Some of them blew up immediately, others had their separated parts skid off of their bodies beforehand while others suffered violent electrical short-circuits before the blast of flames and smoke engulfed them and had them scatter down on the ground.

Future Trunks observed the downfall of the welcoming committee with a strict, one-eyed glare from behind them while his hair flapped about in the robust mountain gales. After seeing the last trail of smoke evaporate while its scattered parts poured down on the snowy mountain passes below, Trunks took off toward the location of the Muscle Tower.

"The air still won't be completely safe to travel, as long as some of the Muscle Towers remain intact. When Muten Roshi-san takes down the one in the Red Sea, at least the skies over the oceans will be safe to travel and people can return to some sense of normalcy," Trunks informed Bulma that he picked the call back up with a vocal response.

"I'm... Interception... Too strong... Fallout..." Bulma's voice went through a staccato shift made more frustrating by the constant static. There didn't seem to be any further use in continuing the conversation. The radioactivity in the area must've gone through the roof. This must've been close to where Commander Red detonated his ace missile from the Battle Jacket all those years ago, willing to take Chayote with the rest of the collapsing Red Ribbon Army.

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