The Chilling Landing

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When the doors to Frieza's office opened up, the space tyrant was standing on both feet and staring through the porthole to prepare for his arrival to Planet Vegeta. It had only been mere minutes since another worrisome battle power signature registered in their scouters, measuring up to over half a million. Wild things were happening in Planet Vegeta, and the space emperor stared down at the watermelon-colored marble rotating out in space.

"Lord Frieza," Zarbon spoke up, asking for a second of his superior's attention. "We've just about arrived to Planet Vegeta."

"Excellent, I've been thinking over my decision to obliterate the entire planet, Zarbon-san," Frieza showed his subordinate a wicked smile with his black lips.

"Yes, I was about to ask you about that. We could not contact Captain Ginyu on Planet Vegeta. The communication tower in the region must be down and because of the confidential manner of the information, there's no use telling it to anyone in one of the other regions on the planet. In addition, we've called the Ginyu Special Squadron to Planet Vegeta so they could get rid of prince Vegeta for us and they are standing by in a neighboring system waiting for an update on your orders." Zarbon pressed his hand to his chest as he bowed and reported the information.

"Ah, yes, I've almost forgotten..." Frieza shook his head. "It was fortunate that they weren't working too far away when we reached out to them, though if I destroyed the planet with them on it, it would have posed us some problems. Let the Ginyu Special Squadron know that they are free to land on Planet Vegeta and proceed with their mission. They better hurry though, who knows how long it will take for prince Vegeta to regain his full strength and, if he does, I might need to tend to that matter personally," Frieza chuckled to himself. "For now, we shall board Planet Vegeta, I'd like to speak to Captain Ginyu about what's been going on this planet of his."

"I see, so you will not be destroying the planet then?" Zarbon straightened his back.

"Not at this time. I'm afraid destroying it would still cause us more trouble than it is worth. Let the Ginyu Special Squadron know that every Saiyan on this planet is their target. I will expect you and Dodoria-san to pitch in and help them hurry this ugly matter up as well." Frieza turned his back to his subordinate and stared down at the planet underneath his spaceship, as if judging it from it high in the outer layers of its atmosphere.

"Very well, Lord Frieza, I will let the crew know that we are to land as soon as possible. We've received reports of disturbances in the region near the royal palace. I will see that we land as close to it as possible," Zarbon bowed. "I'll let the Ginyu Special Squadron know about their updated objective."

Once the door closed shut, the boiling inside space emperor loomed over the much-reviled planet of his and watched its eye-catching, colorful atmosphere engulfing his ship as the atmosphere transitioned from cold and unwelcoming oblivion of space into a warmer, cloudy hue of red Planet Vegeta skies. Frieza noted multiple decimated patches of jungle land and a few regions of burning cities accompanied by trails of smoke on the horizon.

"You thought you're so clever, didn't you, Lord Beerus, well, I've found my way of exterminating the Saiyans without flicking away their miserable little planet and it's about time that I trim the hedges of my empire," Frieza chuckled before transitioning into full-on maniacal laughter as his spaceship slowed down its descent and adopted a slow, perpendicular angle of landing as his saucer-shaped ship rotated above the planet surface.


"King Kai's Fist X10!" Bardock yelled out, bursting with the vibrant crimson glow of raw power as he charged forward. The aching in his muscles only awakened the Saiyan from his desperate need of passing out and slumbering. Carrying through his pent-up feelings, the rebellious Saiyan swept his right leg, spinning his entire body to deliver his speedy yet just as powerful sweep.

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