A Neutered Saiyan Welcome

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A small party of armored soldiers surrounded the landing pad where the mysterious new arrival would have landed if their trajectory remained the same. Most of these soldiers were Saiyans decorating their waists with their own tails, though there were a handful of aliens wearing gear that aided them in channeling their Ki instead of doing so with their natural methods.

"I repeat, Capsule Corp, identify yourself or we will shut down the landing pad!" the voice blared from the megaphone, drowning out all the other noise in the ship. Bardock and Gohan left from the nearby room and sifted through various scattered heaps of merchandising that still laid around after their comedic visit. This sudden boom of noise had distracted their training session.

"What's a landing pad?" Goku asked after pressing a red button on the control panel.

"Who let Kakarot to the communication panel?" Chayote looked around while the Earthlings just shrugged in synchrony.

"You didn't expect me to talk, did you? If they saw me talking, they'd send out ships to engage us, leave alone withdraw the landing pad..." Piccolo crossed his arms and turned away, washing his hands off this matter. "We've planned this out, let's just stick to it."

"The landing pad is a bouncy pad necessary for your ship to land. If we shut it, you'll slam into the face of the planet and leave a massive crater rendering your ship inoperable. We will also know you're here to cause trouble, so you'll have the entire Saiyan army on your tail. We don't know a Capsule Corp so identify yourself immediately, vessel." The Saiyan talking to Goku repeated his request.

"I'm a Kakarook, or whatever, I'm a Saiyan grown on Earth!" Goku declared. Chayote turned to Bardock, who just sighed.

"Your voice is eerily similar to Kakarot's, mind taking it over from him?" Chayote wondered.

"That darned scientist spent entire weeks making sure that the megaphone system is of pristine sound quality but he couldn't install a visual display... Oh well, I guess it'll work out better for us in the end..." Bardock sighed and moved up to Kakarot, moving him aside from the communications panel with his arm.

"Sorry 'bout that. I've got a space cold, or something. I've never been to space, actually..." Bardock tried mending the situation. "Name's Kakarot, as I've said, I'm a Saiyan grown on Earth and I've conquered my planet. Nobody reached out to me to pick me up, so I've had the Earthlings build me a functional spacecraft that I could use to reach Planet Vegeta."

"Planet Earth!?" a loud grunt came from the speaker. It wasn't the good kind of loud, it was the sound of suspicion put to words. "Isn't that the planet prince Vegeta came back from grievously injured?"

"Shit...!" Bardock paled out. He was screwing it up, so Chayote rushed up to the communications. They didn't have much time to bargain for their landing pad. If they smashed on Planet Vegeta and ended up getting stranded, nobody would have been better off for it.

"Yeah... Kakarot wasn't around for that part..." Chayote spoke up into the comm link. "The entire scuffle of Bardock's crew and prince Vegeta occurred outside of Kakarot's reach."

"Who is this?" the Saiyan wondered. It was a good thing that he couldn't see the Dragon Team changing into their Frieza Army equipment, with Piccolo having to take the most extensive disguising in order to hide his Namekian heritage. Luckily enough, Frieza Army had functional helmets and Lord Slug's appearance on Earth sort of nudged some ideas for them.

"I'm... Mame from Kakarot's crew." Chayote came up with a lie on the fly.

"Kakarot's crew?" the voice wondered.

"We haven't come up with a name yet. Some of us only joined Kakarot on his way to Planet Vegeta. We thought aliens other than Saiyans could land on Planet Vegeta," Chayote wondered.

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