Bardock's Raging Counterattack

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"Launch-san, Launch-san, wake up!" the sea turtle smacked the unconscious woman's chest a few times with his flippers. He had been smacking the knocked-out woman for a few minutes though only now did her eyes begin to show some vexed movement as a sign for his efforts yielding some positive results.

"Huh, wha!?" Launch drove her palm into the sea turtle's face, sending the reptile rolling aside to the other end of the room and hitting the television set while falling over on his back alongside it. The blonde rose with a groggy look on her face, rubbing her eyes as she looked around. "What happened? This doesn't feel like the other times I've changed into the other me... You! Tell me what happened, dang it!"

The rowdy woman turned to the sea turtle. Her hand desperately browsed her immediate surroundings for one of the dozens of guns that she had stashed all over the house but she couldn't find any. Despite her confusion, Launch settled for the largest kitchen knife that her hand caught on to the handle as she pointed its tip at the turtle.

"The Evil Tribe barged in and beat Muten Roshi up. They took a bunch of our stuff and Oolong with them. I've tried calling Bulma but I don't have fingers or thumbs... Please, Launch-san..." the sea turtle pleaded. "If the demons make it to West City before we can warn them, they'll take the Dragon Radar and hurt Bulma. They'll probably kill the rest, they're on a real warpath here."

"Demons again? Dang it, if only I had been awake!" Launch growled, driving her fist hammering into the cutting board with the other end of the knife, and she grit her teeth. The blonde looked through the blinders to see Muten Roshi laid out on the beach without signs of life and slowly stumbled her way onto the phone hanging on the wall.

Launch must still have suffered from some vertigo and blurry vision as she took double time to input the numbers. Once she was done, a brief moment of silence reigned before a low-pitched, masculine voice boomed from the other end.

"What is this?" Bardock grumbled.

"Whaddaya mean "what is this?" ya jerk!? Where the heck is Bulma, you crude asshole!?" Launch yelled out into the phone.

"Bulma? How should I know?" Bardock shrugged.

"Now listen here, you! You're talking on her goddamn phone, the number that she gave the old geezer and they've been using for well over a decade now! So, you either buckle up and help us blast those demons outta the sky or you call Bulma right now!" Launch pulled the phone off of her ear so that she could yell into the microphone loud enough and point her index finger at the speaker as if Bardock could actually see her on the other end.

"Get off my back, you shrill harpy. Bulma gave me this spaceship of hers to hang in until Chayote and that Namekian come back from space and we can go to Planet Vegeta and rescue my wife. I don't know if it uses the same communication number or whatever but until those demons are floating over Planet Vegeta, I don't give a crap..." Bardock might have hung up then and there if he had a clue as to how exactly that was meant to be done. With a hint of hesitation, he pressed a few buttons on the communicator, judging by the beeps and Launch starting to hear her own voice on the other end, he had no idea how to operate an Earthling phone.

"This motherf..." Launch growled. She drove her fist down, the resonating force knocked over the pepper while her careless smashing had flipped the switch that turned on the fan, quickly filling the room with airborne pepper dust. It was a sneezing accident waiting to happen, worried that she might accidentally sabotage her work and cost Bulma her skin and a pound of her flesh in the process, Launch fumbled to turn the thing back off while inside a sneeze-inducing smokescreen of pepper powder.

"Oh... Hello, hello, I appear to be talking over the phone... Who is this?" blue-haired Launch inquired, stunning Bardock in shock over the sudden switch in voice and tone.

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