The Strongest Rivals

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"Impossible! Is this...?" Cooler's bloodshot eyes seemed like they were about to spring out of his sockets if he widened them any further. The horde of titanic Great Apes all froze in place, turning their attention to their ascended king and his opponent, who quivered in the face of Super Saiyan Vegeta's golden splendor.

Frieza's brother writhed and shook, yanking on his arm in a desperate struggle to pull his hand out of Vegeta's grip to where he threatened to rip his own limb off if he didn't ease up on the pull. Without warning, Cooler's face malformed as his own fist dug into its center. Vegeta lowered his hand, having let go of Cooler's fist without warning, causing the distressed tyrant to hammer it into his own face out of inertia. Bleeding through the self-caused crack in his forehead, Cooler fled back, simmering in wrath.

"Retreat. Now." Vegeta's cyan eyes turned to scan the massive army of giant ape monsters. Even if they may have tried to speak against him in their base forms, having become Great Apes, they had no other choice but to listen. One by one the apes all ascended into the air and sought for a plot of sky far away from the battle site to hover in a state of stillness that should have been alien to savage creatures such as the Great Apes. Vegeta might have dispelled the artificial moon, though he rather enjoyed how obedient the Saiyans were in this form. Choosing to keep them that way was a deliberate move to prevent them from interfering any further.

"So, you've finally stumbled into the shiny new form that beat up my little brother and now you're acting all high and mighty, is that it?" Cooler hissed, spreading his fingers from consoling his busted face. "I'll show you the greatest might in the universe that no amount of golden shine can overcome!"

Cooler soared into the air, raising his finger up over his head as his black lips turned to an upward smirk, and the tyrant showed his pearly whites. The sudden shift in the tide of battle seemed to have busted right through his aura of coolness that he exhumed earlier. Even if just for a little while, Cooler showed more than a few manic similarities to the sadism of his younger brother.

"Begone with this entire asteroid belt, your savage people and armada!" Cooler yelled out, forming an infernal sphere looming over his finger and drastically expanding in size and density, as it became almost like a dwarf star hanging over his head. With a shrill yell, Cooler thrust his finger down, commanding the Supernova to make its way down in an almost deliberately torturous crawl and cause rampant trembling all across the asteroid field.

Not a single space rock could avoid the immense gravitational phenomenon that seemed like it would pull every asteroid apart and made even the tiniest pebbles on the surface dance. Perhaps, had it not been for Cooler's own psychic powers clenching the asteroid together earlier, the asteroid would have collapsed and gravitated inward toward the coming, fiery demise above.

Vegeta tsked and lunged upward. Enveloped in a bright aura, he charged to tackle the devastating Ki sphere head-on. Even the cold vastness of space became bright and infernal in the scorch of Cooler's ultimate attack, but Vegeta raised his arms up and grabbed hold of it regardless, feeling the weight that threatened to rip the entire cosmic region apart resting on his palms. A loud Kiai propelled the sphere a bit further back so that Vegeta didn't have to touch the Supernova directly. Despite Vegeta's transformation, he felt the attack pushing him back. Then again, he was just using sheer force against it, which hardly even counted as trying.

"Well, what's wrong Vegeta? Even if in this fancy new form of yours you might survive my attack unscathed, you'll still choke in the cold, merciless vastness of space while I will go on to rule the universe while my brother is busy hunching and drooling and my father is too preoccupied playing nanny!" Cooler taunted Vegeta as the king's expression twisted with physical effort. Vegeta grumbled, pushing the sphere back with another Kiai pulse, then another.

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