The Brawny Man Loses It

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"Heh..." Nappa snooted over a collection of flat, stony islands with patches of moss littering them before swiping his hand. A cascade of rising pillars of unfurling Ki decimated the landscape, sinking the islands down under. The brute's scouter registered the disappearance of a power level in his sight and began showing a single-digit amounting to zero. "That's what you get, honestly..." he mumbled to himself, looking mighty proud of his act of destruction.

"Hmph. Which one was that?" Vegeta wondered with a hint of irritation in his tone.

"Who knows?" Nappa shrugged. "He was big and looked pretty tough but I guess in the end he was too broken to put up any resistance..."

"Those Saibamen better have found and eliminated the rest of Bardock's squad of cripples, this is getting boring. I don't want to resort to blowing up this planet before I make sure to execute Bardock by my own hand for betraying my father..." Vegeta seemed conflicted between his need for instant gratification in seeing Earth scattered across its system in the shape of glittery space dust and the more rewarding feeling of breaking the traitorous rebel in half and seeing to it that Bardock gets what the prince thought he deserved.

"Hmm... I'm kind of wondering what could've done it to these guys. They're all a bunch of trash but their power levels should have instantly stood out amongst the Earthlings," Nappa slapped the top of his bald head a couple of times, sharpening his focus in his vain attempt to think this situation through.

"Vegeta!" a loud roar pierced the darkening evening skies before a thud resonated from a nearby rocky isle in this eastern archipelago once Bardock's feet touched the ground.

"If it isn't the traitorous scum. You're lucky Frieza didn't come to get you himself," Vegeta sneered at the low-class warrior before focusing his glare on another figure landing nearby the battered Bardock. "Who are you? I don't remember ever seeing you amongst Bardock's goons,"

"I'm Chayote, prince Vegeta, a Saiyan living on Earth," Chayote bowed her head in a show of politeness and respect to the Saiyan royalty.

"Oh? That's a surprise, I didn't expect to see another Saiyan on Earth. I thought this sector to be a blank space on our maps... We're still years away from properly colonizing it. I didn't think Saiyans even served as scouts," Vegeta turned on his scouter to measure Chayote's power level. The tiny do-hickey continued to beep and boop before the plastic screen cracked and the scouter fell off of the prince's face spitting sparks.

"Wh-What's that!?" Nappa yelled out in shock. "Vegeta did your scouter malfunction!?"

"No, I don't think it did. I think that this older model is incapable of calculating this level of battle power," Vegeta looked at the shattered and still crackling bits and pieces of his gadget on the ground. The two Saiyans lowered themselves and landed on the same island where Bardock and Chayote had positioned themselves on.

"B-But..." Nappa shook his head in disbelief. "That shouldn't be possible! There can't be anyone this strong that we're not aware of, definitely not in this rundown sector!"

"Indeed, this appears to be a surprise," Vegeta replied with a cold face. He wasn't sure what to make out of this revelation. One thing that was apparent though, he felt satisfied with his decision to not prematurely blow this planet up. "Speak now, wench, how did you end up on this desolate planet and how come you are this strong?"

"There's no time for that, Vegeta!" Bardock swiped his hand aside, dismissing the prince's request. "I'm here to make you pay for betraying everything that our race stands for! And after I'm done spanking your impubescent ass, you better believe I'm gunning for your cowardly father!"

Vegeta's hand rose without warning. A bright flash shot out from his hand in the shape of a shapeless Ki blast that hit Bardock square in the chest and took him flying back a great deal. Once it began seeming like the blast would run out of strength, it curved upward and detonated up in the air, resulting in Bardock falling from the sky smoking with his armor shattering off of his right shoulder as the warrior had temporarily lost his consciousness.

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