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Vibrant scarlet light flickered at the end of Dr. Puri's open palm, forming a round source of light that grew larger and larger as the artificial woman channeled more and more energy into it. Just when Dr. Puri felt content with unleashing all of her stored power upon the battered and broken Saiyan king, an iron grip locked around her wrist with so much crushing force that it flat out choked the energy blast out. Android 21 turned up to follow the salad-green line that connected to the hand holding her and its owner.

"You..." Artificial Human No. 21 hissed at Piccolo, who levitated in mid-air with his arm extended all the way from his aerial position to the artificial woman. The Ultimate Namekian had a bemused face with the appropriate amount of grumpiness in it to represent the lack of words he had uttered to the woman so far.

Piccolo's facial features turned more savage as his entire face twisted into a sick expression of wrath and sadism combined. The Namekian warrior pulled his extended arm back to place, taking Dr. Puri for an extended ride alongside it. Just to make sure that the infernal woman behaved, Piccolo shot an overwhelming cross to her gut that nearly punched right through the Android's body, stretching her middle section out and bending it grievously no body was meant to cave in on the backside. Android 21 wheezed and spat up some black bile from her mouth.

Turning his body around nearly a full 180 degrees, Piccolo swatted the devastated Artificial Human No. 21 aside while forming an Explosive Demon Energy Wave in his right hand and turning his entire body around to launch it toward his airborne opponent in a manner similar to how Nail launched his Mystic Flasher at his opponents. Android 21 curled into a ball, forming a pink energy wave around her entire body as the explosive Ki wave swallowed her and drowned her out.

Dr. Puri's semi-conscious body flung out from the massive energy wave beaming out into space and smashed through a stray, pummeled hovercar before bouncing off of a few more decorations of the devastated landscape and falling flat on her face. Bruises and adequately sized burns decorated most of the artificial woman's body while her checkered dress had been scratched and tattered from the intensity of the attacks of the universe's strongest warriors she's been taking on one by one without respite.

"Stand up..." Piccolo stated calmly yet with certain bluntness as he descended behind the woman. The Ultimate Namekian rolled his knuckles and stretched himself out. "Did you think I was going to be content fighting your dogs for what you did to Planet Namek? Ever since I've fused with the bodies of those whose lives you've ruined, their plights for vengeance have helped me to filter out that filth you've pumped into our atmosphere. It helped me survive your best attempts at snuffing my species out. Now it's about time you pay for all that you've done."

"P... Piccolo..." Goku's faint voice called out to the Namekian from a stray platform teetering over an abyss that shined with a fiery glow from down below. Both the Earth-raised Saiyan warrior and his converted father laid near each other with grisly wounds on their chests with blood and some sort of bio-fluid pooling under them.

"Shut up, Son. Don't you dare interfere. This woman poisoned Planet Namek and employed Frieza and his father to butcher the Dragon Clan out. All so that we didn't make a new set of Dragon Balls," Piccolo clenched his fists as veins shot out at the back of his hands. The Ultimate Namekian reared his fangs. "And on top of it all... She still thinks of herself as a hero. With all the misguided, rotten things she's done, the Namekians whose genocide she's overseen, she still thinks herself in a position to save anyone!"

A brilliant and transparent Ki washed over Piccolo. It's might swat Dr. Puri aside like a rag doll, smashing her through a couple of small dome-shaped residential buildings and rolling her over a few crashed hovercars and trees along her way while Piccolo approached his fallen nemesis with lustrous violet orbs of energy appearing in both his hands. A golden electrical field surrounded both energy blasts. The jolts occasionally touched each other, trying to form a single, grander whole and achieve their full potential.

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