The Wheels Are Turning

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"Launch-san, you're still living with this old pervert?" Bulma turned toward the kitchen where Launch was working at some more party snacks for the upcoming gathering of the Dragon Team. It would mark the first time in over seven years that the whole gang would get together.

"Oh my..." Launch gasped and covered her mouth, shocked that Muten Roshi would ever be described that way. "Why yes, I do still live with Roshi-san. He's been very kind to me by providing me a place to live and a somewhat normal life for both me and the other me. I am very grateful to Roshi-san and helping him with chores is the least I can do!"

"How am I the bad guy in this situation?" Muten Roshi mumbled while sitting on the toilet and scratching his head. "You should see Launch-san when her hair goes blond, I'm the one being held hostage here against my will and doing the chores for her, honestly."

"Close the damned door when you're taking care of business!" Bulma growled and shook her fist over her head. "Honestly, I should have come here with the rest of the guys instead of rushing ahead..." she wrapped her arms over her chest as the blue-haired genius grounded her teeth away, seething in frustration.

"Say, say... You said that your new assistant would come, Puri-chan, was it? How come she wasn't with you?" Muten Roshi wondered, looking up from his less than inspiring position.

"Yeah... She said she needed some extra time to prepare. Find a nice dress and apply make-up and all that. Honestly, I think she didn't quite get just what kind of party this is going to be," Bulma sighed, letting go of the pent up aggression toward the pervy and crude old man seeing how she had been around him for too long not to know how pointless holding on to such feelings was.

"Oh! Puri-Puri... Paffu-Paffu..." Muten Roshi began chanting something on the crapper as he felt an imaginary set of breasts with his hands while the man's cheeks flushed with red. It took a heavy slam of the door to the Kame House to break him out of his trance.

"Old man, you should close the door when you're crappin'..." Umigame pointed out while crawling through the door. It was the most abhorrent detail that caught his attention first, the sea turtle only noticed the fact that Bulma was visiting later, flopping his flipper up in a welcoming gesture. "Hello, Bulma, it's nice to see you."

"Hey, Umigame, how's your son doing?" Bulma wondered.

"Never mind that!" Muten Roshi jumped off of the toilet and flushed it, hurrying to pull his shorts back on and unleash a torrent from the sink to wash his hands so that he could be done with it and give a good yelling at the loud cohabitant of his island for just bursting in like that. "Why did you have to bust in so loud for? Honestly, I'm over three-hundred years old, that's just asking for a heart attack!"

"Oh... Sorry... I completely forgot why I barged in... Say... What's the deal with that submarine by the island? Is it yours, Bulma?" Umigame rubbed his head with his flapper, a bit more relieved to have a potential explanation for the unnatural sight he saw.

"Huh? No way, I flew here by plane, and my plane's sealed up in a capsule," Bulma answered after Launch brought her some cold refreshments to enjoy until the rest of the crew got to the island. "What did it look like? Maybe the rest of the crew got here?"

Bulma turned to Muten Roshi and froze in place, almost dropping her glass of juice when she saw how serious the old man had turned all of a sudden. This was not a usual situation where Roshi acted like his usual, aloof, and pervy self. Bulma hadn't seen the old man so serious since Demon King Piccolo attacked.

"A bunch of Ki appeared all over the island," he stated with a dire tone of his voice before rushing to the door. Before slamming it open and walking out to face whoever had arrived at his island by that submarine which Umigame had mentioned, Muten Roshi turned around and looked at the women and the sea turtle. "Stay indoors, no matter what. I should be able to handle it and if not, the rest should arrive soon."

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