Faustian Bargain

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Chayote stared outside at the passing stars through the thick, tinted glass of the porthole. She's learned a decent deal back at Planet Beiko. Despite that, she didn't trust Shunabehan's suggestion that one must have first learned to control their emotions and unify their inner selves before grasping advanced Ki control. If the two aspects truly were related, then there shouldn't have been a difference from which side Chayote approached it.

If unity with one's emotions and honesty with one's self was what made it possible to achieve remarkable feats of Ki manipulation, then one should have been able to achieve unity and honesty of body and mind from the position of someone with remarkable Ki control.

Planet Sando was a perfect location to further her training. The Sando warriors weren't physically powerful though they could use their Ki to create elemental Ki blasts as well. Chayote had no problem creating elemental Ki blasts, her Jelly Beam managed to combine blazing, shocking, and freezing Ki manipulation alike but creating a Ki blast that was hot or cold still a step behind from letting it embody one's entire being and color one's own aura.

Still, if she was to achieve anything of purpose down in Planet Sando, she needed a few tools. If she landed there as is, she'd just get attacked by the locals and have to fight them off again, she'd get nowhere. Plus, she'd just be staying there temporarily. If she was to train there for real, she needed a mean to control her breath underwater as well as understand the locals.

The door to the space station opened up. It was bold of Chayote to show her face around Frieza Army space, even if it was the most remote reaches of it. It was troublesome that she had no money on herself to acquire all of the things she needed. Still, a space station in the nearest sector to Planet Sando was the most likely place to get the things she needed. Given how she traversed in a different ship, nobody would immediately pin her ship and her identity, and, if she was lucky, she'd get in and out fast enough to avoid that altogether.

"I've got no money so screw with the ship at your own expense..." Chayote pointed her index at a handful of short, impish aliens armed with tools and toolboxes. In sectors uncontrolled by the Frieza Army they would employ shady tactics of fixing the ship without being asked to do so, then haggle for their selfish repairs with confused visitors of the station.

They still might have done so here but without the backup of the authorities and with the risk of screwing over a Frieza Army officer being ever-present, they would have kept those antics back as much as they could help it. It wasn't much but it was something. Chayote could feel wayward stares at her the whole time, how many of them could pin her identity down, and how many just felt confused about seeing a Saiyan remained unclear for now.

Even if somebody on this station did know who she was, they'd be rather unlikely to attack her. While she was known mostly for attacking a pair of Frieza Army soldiers and assisting a Galactic Patrolman against more Frieza Army soldiers, people interested in cashing in whatever measly bounty laid on Chayote's head would have found even the most elementary scouter checks of how much trouble she'd be unsatisfactory. Even when greatly suppressing herself, Chayote looked like too much trouble for a measly bounty she had on her.

"Right, Planet Sando, you'll need a telepathic amplifier to catch the telepathic signals of the locals and a wireless liquid-breathing apparatus. You can have those for five gems," the salesman in Frieza Army armor and a body build that suggested he wasn't much good for anything other than selling things declared after filtering through a small chest of rainbow-gleaming gems. It was the preferred currency anywhere where Frieza Army extended its clutches.

"I'm short on money at the moment. I figured we'd be able to make a deal. I have a ship with far too many unnecessary parts or I can run you an errand. From my experience, the seaweed of Planet Sando is great for a multitude of tasks. I can scoop it up for you by boxes." Chayote suggested, wincing and hoping her best that it would work.

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