Yamcha's 2nd Worst Date Ever

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A knock on the door alerted a family that spent their time raising as little noise as possible in their house that had become a fort and a place for concealment. Because the sky had been gloomy for a while, they couldn't tell if it was day or night from the inside and no one dared take as much as a peek outside. It was about time that the Artificial Humans would pick up life signals and come knocking. It was either these robotic combatants or the end of their vital supplies that would herald their end.

While the soldiers stood behind the door with mechanical chatter running through their coms and stared at the other end of the door through red goggle lenses of their mechanically altered masks, the family hurried to hunker down in their basement. They had little hope that this would hide them from the radars but it would buy them a bit of time. The soldiers were mechanical automatons, so they had centuries of patience built into them, but they must have received orders not to test that part of their adamantine mettle and to blow the door down.

It took something as meek as a press of the shoulder for the mechanical door to fold. These soldiers peeled titanium like copy paper. Before long, the browsing scans of crimson lenses saw inside of the house and the small platoon spread out wider to scan the area for unconverted life signals.

"This is Dr. Puri speaking of Puri & Co. If you're hearing this, and you're not yet converted, please accept conversion. A horrible sickness is sweeping the world, and conversion is the only way to survive. These soldiers may look frightening, but their appearance is because of protective equipment and not their violent nature. They are here to help you," Dr. Puri's voice boomed from the coms of the mechanical soldiers that spread out and combed the house with the efficiency of a mechanical hive mind.

"Compromised life signals detected..." a mechanical soldier froze in place and approached the hatch on the floor. A place for safekeeping that could withstand a demon attack carving out troubling and prophetic signs on the ground or an alien attack and even the swarm of Saibamen, sold and installed free of cost by the specialists at Capsule Corps to make living in West City much safer. Since Ginger Town was just a few mountainous walls and countryside roads away, Capsule Corps goods reached this place too.

A robotic dog dashed onward through the door. It curved into a ball as the metallic frame exposed serrated blades on its back where an ordinary canine would've had spinal discs. Rolling in place, the robotic dog formed an artificial and incredibly efficient disc saw that sliced through even the toughest Capsule Corps panic room fortifications. The father of the family wrapped his arms around his terrified folks, ready to die first in order to protect his loved ones, knowing full well that his best efforts would only inconvenience these mechanical soldiers by giving them an extra dead body of heave off of their target. He'd die before he'd convert!

It was as if the entire world had gone mad these past few years!

"Don't be afraid, civilians!" a loud and proud voice boomed out of the doorway. The robotic soldiers stood up and all turned toward the door to witness a cocky male form and a luminous beacon beaming behind him while the man rocking an afro, shades, and a suit, and holding a futuristic plasma rifle over his shoulder struck a flashy pose. "Chayote Security is here to pull ya out of trouble! Everything's gonna be okay now! I, Mark Satan, guarantee it!"

The steampunk soldiers all stood up and prepared to engage this jester, but thunderous explosions riddled the Ginger Town floor, devastating the heavy machinery that was stationed outside. As usual, those Chayote Security goons would make it difficult for the Puri & Co folks with their guerilla warfare tactics. Despite Dr. Puri having a plan to deal with all of their heavy hitters, neither Chayote nor Trunks stuck around long enough to enact those plans and capture them. They were fast as rays of light and tougher than their speedy nature suggested it.

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