Sacrifice Friends for Big Power Level

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"This has been a blast, Namekian, but I feel like my squad needs my help so I can waste no more time here," Bardock lowered his block with a forced motion. His hands shook while his overheating body struggled to keep him in a state fit for fighting. And yet his fighting strength had skyrocketed somehow.

With a proud roar, Bardock dashed at Piccolo who did not respond to the opponent's attack, instead he chose to extend his arm and focus on a Ki blast. Bardock's fist dug deep into Piccolo's unprotected jaw, flinching the Namekian and drawing blood. Now that the Saiyan's power had escalated to the state where it rivaled and surpassed Piccolo's, Bardock didn't need to perform the equivalent of cartwheels of physical violence for elementary battle damage anymore.

Piccolo halted himself in mid-air, extending his arm out again and reforming the Ki blast he had channeled together, regaining all of the progress in a single instance before firing it with a yell that transitioned into a grunt of pain once Bardock navigated himself around Piccolo's round Ki blast and bolted himself into the gut of the reborn Demon King, nearly punching a hole through his opponent while sending Piccolo flapping and striding across the surface of the still, arctic waters in uncontrollable flips.

By the time Bardock noticed the blast coming at him, it was too late. In his rush and blind fury, his attempt to utilize every ounce of his unexpected second wind before his fighting spirit fades away, Bardock had missed the fact that Piccolo's Ki blast had halted right after missing the Saiyan and careened back at his face from behind him. Piccolo's Chasing Bullet hit Bardock right in the face, flipping the rebellious Saiyan over and smashing his scouter to pieces while streaks of red flooded the Saiyan's already injured face.

"I guess in your current berserk state a little pea-shooter like that won't kill you but... I've got to make sure that you don't power up like that again, just in case some of those useless humans kill any more of your comrades..." Piccolo chuckled to himself, wiping the purple blood off of his lip and nose.

The still surface of the water on which Bardock floated rustled, the rustles escalated into furious waves as the Saiyan shot his eyes wide open and burst upward like an arrow, racing against the clock and his own breaking down body until he had reached the height which his enemy loomed over the battlefield from.

"So you've smashed my scouter, prevented me from communicating or reaching my teammates, huh?" Bardock spat aside and released an unintelligible roar as he unleashed what remained of his enigmatic second wind burst of strength.

The rebellious Saiyan vanished before Piccolo's eyes, surprising the Namekian with the sudden burst of speed. Even with the Saiyan being so injured in the battle, even with him taking Piccolo Chasing Bullet square in the face, he still had this much Ki left to fight with. The Namekian spread his arms out wide, unleashing his own Ki into a smaller explosive wave that threw Bardock flipping back before he could deliver his speedy attack.

Piccolo vanished, appearing in front of his airborne opponent with a stiff kick to Bardock's mid-section. Having gained control over Bardock's aerial path, Piccolo shocked the injured Saiyan further with a chop to his chest that stunned the Saiyan in place while shaking the ramparts of his ribcage and driving an excessive amount of blood from Bardock's mouth as the chest area had already sustained plenty of damage in this brawl.

Using his swiftest flight speed, Piccolo took up higher from where he could divekick his opponent back down to the freezing depths below the surface of which had been beginning to boil from the heated exchange between the rebellious Saiyan that demanded everything this planet had to offer, including his own son, and a would-be demon that wanted to rule it as a tyrant he was meant to be. After dive kicking his opponent down, Piccolo pursued Bardock and slashed with his claws at his damaged opponent, leaving streaks of red wherever he struck.

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