The Warriors of Conviction

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The gigantic ape in grey Saiyan battle armor that had expanded to fit the supersized form of the mountain-smashing titan despite its damaged state lifted whatever chunks of the mountain it had failed to smash over its head without as much as a snarl and tossed it kilometers across into another mountain range, reducing it to pebbles before pounding its chest again.

So much anger, so much fury and everything around it was so fragile, nothing concrete to vent it all out on. Everything that the goliath touched turned to dust and ashes and every roar made the fragile planet that hosted the savage titan crumble bit by bit.

"Barrage Dodonpa!" Tenshinhan and Chiaotzu yelled out in sync with one another, extending the fingers of their right hands and pointing them at the monstrous ape as a blinding barrage of bright beams erupted from them, smashing with their lethal might against the beast's exposed hide with quite a handful of them hitting it square in the back of the head.

"No way, it didn't even move!" Chiaotzu leaned back in surprise. Had the little ghoul-boy the capacity to go any paler – he'd have abused that ability to its limits at that moment as fear drained all blood from his veins.

"What ungodly strength!" Tenshinhan dragged his arm across his forehead in shock. All this training, all this hoping that he had become stronger than even Son Goku after training non-stop for seven years with an intensity that surpassed that of all of his peers and for it all to smash against an immovable rock like this...

Despite the initial impression, the Great Ape's eye twitched and it turned around to confront its attackers. Blood trickled from the beast's cracked face down over one of its eyes and from its nose and bubbled from its jaws but those injuries appeared to only make the beast wilder for the pain from the sum of all of its injuries only added to its infinite list of frustrations to fuel its world-shaking fury.

"Down!" Tenshinhan yelled out, grabbing Chiaotzu by his shoulder and diving down like his life depended on it. Judging from the titanic monstrosity opening up its mouth and unleashing a vicious beam of blue that erupted into an airborne firestorm just above their heads – that very much was the case.

"You used it..." Chiaotzu babbled looking at Tenshinhan and noticing his buff body obtaining slicker muscle tonus while chilly, white vapor streaked from Tenshinhan's pores.

"That's right, I don't see any other way of surviving this. One of us has to use it at all times," Tenshinhan confirmed it.

The three-eyed warrior was not one for names. Most of his techniques were named by the martial artists he had inherited them from. While he did know Hot-Red Mode and could effortlessly use it to power-up his techniques, it was Krillin who named them and first came to discover that branch of Ki manipulation. This method which Tenshinhan had tapped into was different entirely, whereas Hot-Red utilized arrogance and vanity, nothing else but absolute power, aggression and need to win, this current mode required one to feel at ease and emanate serene grace and control of the battle without the need to rush or defeat one's opponent.

"I'll use it," Chiaotzu looked at his friend. "It ends up reducing your combat potential and I'm weaker than you so I should use it."

"If you use it, it will be of no use to us. While his power is beyond any of our reaches, I am closer to it than you and because of that I could still manage to stay vigilant and aware of some of the beast's moves." Tenshinhan exchanged his thoughts with Chiaotzu telepathically while the Great Ape lifted its arms over its head and aimed to smash at the mountain where the two martial artists had landed.

It was impossible to see the hammer-arms of the titan smashing down, but from the immense rubble and thunderous collapse of the sky-reaching rock, Tenshinhan emerged with Chiaotzu in his arms, being able to somewhat follow the monster's movements in his chill method of Ki control. It's very essence laid in the ability to transcend the need for aggression and rely on the opponent defeating themselves, aiming to merely allow the opponent to tire themselves out or make a mistake, at the cost of a decent chunk of one's combat strength that one offered when sacrificing their aggression and offensive in battle.

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