Yamcha's 3rd Worst Date Ever

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"I sell people car insurance but I'd rather not talk about work on a date, you know. I'm so glad that you decided to take me to the planetarium! I love that stuff!" a bodacious blonde in a glittery, sapphire dress quivered in her high heels accompanied by a rather overwhelmed Yamcha who did his best to try and get into this new situation.

"Uh-huh... You know, I know some friends that actually go to space from time to time. If you're into it, we can maybe arrange a trip or two," Yamcha scratched the back of his head, wondering how he was doing as he never really had to meet a potential romantic interest like this and charm them. Back when he was still with Bulma, things just sort of escalated and worked out. It was like a hectic chemical reaction. A wild blast.

"Oh, really!? That's amazing! I don't know what space is all about though... Like what would I have to wear out in space even?" the woman pondered, looking up in the sky as if a mere visual inspection might have suggested to her an answer to this surface-level predicament that wasn't giving her any peace of mind. "Anyway, I meant to ask you this for a while now, what is that thing following us, is it like... A cat or something?"

"Oh, that's Puar..." Yamcha raised his arm up, gesturing at Puar floating a tad behind him with his thumb. "He's my lifelong friend, you could say we're partners in crime of sort."

"That's so cute!" the woman shrieked out, jumping at Puar in an attempt to pet him and scratch his back as if he was just an ordinary levitating house cat. "I love guys that are good with pets. He's just my type too!"

"Y-Yamcha..." Puar cried out. "O-Okay, you won the bet, you can hang around women... Please... Get her off me, Y-Yamcha! Who's the one on a date here, for Pete's sake!?"

"He talks?" Yamcha's elegant date leaned back and covered her mouth in surprise. "He's not one of those anthropomorphic animals, is he? I've heard that those almost went extinct during the "Devil" mark incident!"

Both Puar and Yamcha's date froze staring at Yamcha who just stood in place and looked toward a blank point far away in the distance, far off to the south from Central City. The martial artist's look was serious and suggested a dire predicament though his unfamiliar with the world of martial arts date blinked rapidly a few times in turbulence as to what might have gotten her date so perplexed.

"Yamcha, do you have indigestion or something?" the car insurance saleswoman wondered with an innocent mumble. "Please tell me that's not happening to me again..."

"Crystal, this has been great but I think I need to go," Yamcha closed his eyes and turned to his date, speaking through his teeth as if he hated what he was proclaiming but felt like it had to be said nonetheless.

"Huh? Is it my job? Yeah, technically I'm swindling people but the legal definition of fraud is..." Crystal was about to get into something she considered of profound importance but Yamcha dashed up to her and grabbed her hands to stop her from talking.

"Look, there is a huge problem I need to take care of. It's... Sort of like work though it's more like my passion. My friends are working with it right now and they're way better at it than I am but I feel a bugging feeling like I need to check in on them and make sure that they can handle it," Yamcha explained it to the best of his ability even if his ditzy date didn't seem to be catching on to his implication in any way whatsoever.

"Oh, I see..." Crystal muttered. Then it was as if a sense of clarity hit her as her blood-red lips stretched out in an upward moon. "So that's why you haven't told me what it is that you do... At first, I wondered that you were just embarrassed like maybe you're an aspiring actor or a vendor machine ad guy but now it's all so clear – you're a superhero!"

"Huh!?" Yamcha freaked out.

"Yeah, like that Suppaman guy from Penguin Village, right?" Crystal leaned in closer to Yamcha's face. The poor dolt wasn't sure how to best handle this situation though he probably could've done way better than to just take off and fly away southward.

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