A Tactical Retreat of a Peerless Warrior

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A tiny droplet of blood ran down Vegeta's forehead and disappeared inside his black eyebrows. The prince squinted his right eye a dash from one of few minor injuries that he had sustained in his playful scuffle with Chayote but otherwise kept his attention fixated on the bothersome Namekian that intruded his celebratory eradication of Earth's population.

"A Namekian, huh? You wouldn't happen to be the weapon that Bardock and his crew counted on to wipe my father and the Saiyan race out, would you?" Vegeta scowled at the green-skin with a hint of mockery to his voice.

"Bardock? You mean Son Goku's father? No, I'd have killed him if I found him. Did you by any chance do that already?" Piccolo wondered with a much cooler head than his Saiyan opponent. He had no reason to lose his cool, after all, he had all the winning cards as his Ki had a tiny edge over his worn-out opponent and the self-proclaimed demon had confidence in his superior skill.

"That bothersome wench interfered. Then you messed with my plan to have her murder all of her Earthling friends herself, what an irritating bunch you guys turned out to be!" Vegeta clenched his fists as the rows of his teeth ground against one another to the point where one would not have been foolish to assume that chips of the Saiyan's pearly-whites would begin shooting out in all directions soon enough.

"Sorry about that, it's just that I've settled on ruling this planet myself so you wiping it out would be a massive inconvenience for me..." Piccolo cracked his knuckles and spun his head around to stretch his neck out before taking a fighting stance.

"Hmph... A mere Namekian has no hope against a Saiyan elite!" Vegeta mocked Piccolo's determination to fight it out and took his own fighting stance.

The two fighters spent a few moments in silent consideration. They allowed the stormy winds to shake up the black sky and rattle the uneasy ocean. The clouds furled up in the sky, forming layers of choking gloom of toxic aggression and lightning bolts left bright lashes all around the pair. It was once one of the nearby mountains cracked in two from the intense air pressure and collapsed into the ocean that the pair of fighters vanished in a snap and charged at one another.

The two clashed with matching elbow strikes, pushing against one another for a short time. A stray lightning bolt threatened to electrocute the pair of floating fighters but the intense shockwave from their clash dissolved the bolt halfway and reduced it to harmless sparks that filled the air with static electricity which in no way impacted the negative polarity present between the two bruisers determined to punch one another until the other stopped moving.

After a relentless and swift exchange of blows, it was Vegeta's deceitful sweep that tripped Piccolo and made him swing in an uncontrollable spin before the Saiyan royalty. Vegeta proceeded to smack the spinning Namekian with the back of his hand, strengthening his strike with his entire body as he took a stalwart step forward and drew strength from the pillow of air he had formed from his Ki to remain afloat in the air.

Utilizing the same momentum, Vegeta spun around again with a knife-edge chop to the front of Piccolo's throat and then repeated the choking attack a couple of times as he ascended together with the opponent who suffered his beatdown. The beady eyes were quick to return to Piccolo's whited out eyes, Vegeta might have underestimated the Namekian physiology and its differences from what he was used to a tiny bit. The prince recovered by blocking Piccolo's counterattacks and kneeing the Namekian in the stomach, proceeding to pursue his airborne opponent after a strong cross strike with his fist. The Saiyan kicked his opponent even higher up in the air before vanishing up above his position and slamming him down into the ocean from above.

"So... You've chosen this planet to be your grave, Namekian?" Vegeta beamed a cocky smile down at his submerged enemy as a pair of powerful, flashing radiances formed in his hands. The Saiyan prince thrust his open palms, unleashing a hail of Ki blasts that bombed the underwater area and would have done a number on anyone trying to conceal themselves down there. After he was done, Vegeta crossed his arms and marveled at the rising domes of light that erupted into beaming pillars of light in their detonation.

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