Eighty Seven

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The next few weeks pass and I still haven't worked up the courage to text Marcus. And our game with Collingwood is this Friday. Dunks and Baz have been checking up on me every few days to see how I am doing. Which I am grateful for.

I started back up at training last week, it was good to finally run and train after a few weeks of doing nothing.

Today I am finally working up the courage to text Marcus. I am sitting on the couch, my leg tapping the floor with Bianca and Alanah next to me. I pick my phone up from the coffee table and tap onto Marcus' name.

"You've got this." Alanah says and I sigh.

"What do I even say?"

"Just write from the heart." Bianca says and I nod. I take a deep breath and start typing my message:

Hey Marcus, I know it's been a while since we've spoken, and I am sorry for not reaching out earlier but I just wanted to try and sort of fix things so that it is not awkward when we are in a group setting as we share the same friend group. I feel like the best way to do this is to meet somewhere and talk about it in person so that we know where we stand....

I take a deep breath, and hit send. Then I throw my phone on the couch. Bianca grabs one of my hands, and Alanah grabs the other one. They give it a squeeze and I sigh.

"Now we wait." I say and they nod

"He'll reply soon." Bianca says and I nod

"I hope so." I say and they give me a reassuring smile. We sit there for a few minutes before we hear my phone beep. I pick it up straight away and see who the message is from. It's from Marcus.

"Oh my god it's from him." I say and they smile. I open the message and read what he said:

Hey Em, it has been a while. And I'm sorry for that too. I feel like that's the best option right now as we do need to talk, and honestly should've probably spoken earlier. Where were you thinking of going? xx

"Ooh damn you got two x's." Bianca says and I roll my eyes.

"Should I go to his house, or should he come here? Or should we go to a cafe or something?" I say.

"Go to his house. A cafe is in public and you don't want people hearing your conversation." Alanah says.

"Yeah you're right." I say. I then respond to his message.

I was thinking like a cafe, but then I don't want people overhearing our private conversation because technically everyone thinks we're still together. Is your house good?

He responds straight away:

Yeah true. My house is fine. You doing anything now? We're better off getting this over and done with...

Yep I'm free now. See you in a few!

K cool.

I jump up from the couch and grab my keys that is sitting on the hook in the kitchen.

"Alright, I shouldn't be too long." I say and they nod

[Under editing] You and I - Marcus BontempelliWhere stories live. Discover now