Ninety Nine

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The next morning I wake up with Marcus' arms wrapped around me. He's still sleeping so I don't even bother moving because his grip is so hard to get out of. I do place a few kisses on his cheeks, but it fails to wake him up. So I kiss his lips and surely enough he wakes up and kisses me back.

"I now know how to wake you up in the mornings." I say in between kisses and he chuckles.

"Good morning to you too babe." He says after we've pulled away.

"How'd you sleep?" I ask.

"Like a baby."

"It's cause I'm here." I say with a wink and he laughs.

"It's true though, when I sleep by myself I can't get to sleep."

"Aww, you have separation anxiety." I say and he laughs, then frowns.

"Don't joke about that, people actually have it."

"I know I shouldn't." I say getting up and heading to the bathroom

"You always ditch me."

"Yeah I wake you up so I can go toilet." I say pushing the bathroom door open and slamming it closed. I hear him laugh and say.

"I'm sure you can hold it."

"When a girls gotta go, she's gotta go." I say back and I hear him laugh again. Once I'm done in the bathroom I get back in bed with Marcus because for a guy that plays sport for a living, he can get really lazy.

"You're a lazy shit in the mornings." I say and he smiles.

"Why get up when I could spend all day in bed with my beautiful girlfriend."

"I'd get bored." I say and he shakes his head.

"Not with me here you won't." He says with a wink and I roll my eyes.

"Was last night not enough for you?"

"Oh babe, it'll never be enough." He says with a smirk and I laugh.

"Too bad, cause I'm done for the month." I say jokingly and he pouts.

"Relax, you and I both know we can't resist each other." I say putting a hand on his cheek and he smiles.

"You got that right."

"So, what's the plan for today?"

"Well, I was going to go Daniel's house to have a word with him." I say and Marcus nods, but I can tell he's a bit confused.

"Sophia told me when we went out for brunch that he cheated on her. So I want to give Danny boy a good word."

"What an idiot. How could he cheat on a girl like Soph? She's gorgeous."

"I don't even know Marcus, but I will have a go at him."

"Good, he deserves it. He was beginning to be a bit of an asshole at training."

[Under editing] You and I - Marcus BontempelliWhere stories live. Discover now