Sixty Nine

183 4 17

I wake up and get ready for training. The boys will be joining us today so we'll be having a joint training session which will be fun. We haven't had a joint one since the men's season ended. So I am happy to be able to train with Marcus and the other boys. 

Once I'm dressed, I walk downstairs and say goodbye to the girls, hop into my car and reverse out of the driveway. 

The drive to the Whitten Oval was surprisingly a breeze. There is not much traffic which I am thankful for. Training doesn't start until 11, but I thought I'd leave early and go to my favourite coffee shop on the way. 

I park my car in the carpark and walk into the café. I order my coffee and wait for it. I turn around and scan the room. I spot Crippa, Silvagni and Fisher sitting at a table. I smile and walk over to them. 

"Hey guys." I say and they all smile. 

"Hey Em." Crippa says standing up and pulling me into a hug. 

"How've you been since the last time I saw you?" He asks and I shrug. 

"Yeah I've been okay." I say and he smiles. 

"Just okay?" 

"Yeah." I say and he shakes his head. 

"I was expecting a better response." He says with a grin and I smile. 

"Sorry, my life hasn't been as interesting as it was a few days ago." I say and he laughs. 

"So, Bianca told me that Alanah is pregnant." Jack says and I nod. 

"Yeah, she is." I say and Crippa nearly chokes on his coffee. 

"Wait what?" He says and I laugh. 

"You guys bullshitting?" 

"Why would we bullshit about that?" I ask and he shrugs. 

"I dunno." He says and I smile. 

"Let's just say it's Josh's fault." I say and the boys laugh. 

"Of course it was his fault." Zac says shaking his head and I nod. I'm about to say something when the lady calls out my name. 

"Sorry guys. I've got training this morning. I'll see you around?" I say and they nod. 

"Definitely. Have a good day." Patrick says and I nod. 

"Thanks, you too." I say with a smile. I go to the counter and collect my coffee, then I walk to my car, taking a sip of my coffee. I unlock it and get in, putting my coffee in the cup holders to make sure it doesn't spill while I drive. I put my seatbelt on and make my way to the Whitten Oval. It was nice seeing Patrick. He is one of my closest friends and I am so grateful to have him in my life. He is one of those people that I can tell everything too and he won't judge me for it. It is something I admire about him, and the fact that I can go to him with any issue and he will always find a positive in it. No matter how bad the issue is, he always looks on the bright side. Which is something I should do more often. 

I pull up into the carpark at the Whitten Oval and park in my usual spot. I turn the car off and grab my things. Then I walk through the building. I say hello to the receptionists and walk straight through. I spot Sophia sitting at a table with Daniel. I smile as I take a seat opposite them. 

[Under editing] You and I - Marcus BontempelliWhere stories live. Discover now