One Hundred and Forty Four

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Friday goes by pretty fast. It was mainly spent relaxing and playing with Oliver who will be 4 months next month, unbelievable really. 

But today is Saturday. I checked every 5 minutes yesterday if I had gotten my period, but no luck. Which makes me even more anxious about getting it today. It's been exactly a week since I was supposed to get it. 

I roll out of bed and head to the bathroom to check, nothing... I am starting to panic as stress can't cause a period to be a week late, it's always just a couple of days. 

I take a deep breath and walk out of the bathroom, getting back into bed with Marcus who is now awake. 

He is sitting up and scrolling on his phone and looks at me with a smile. He then frowns when I don't return the smile. 

"Babe are you okay?" He asks and that's when I break down. I lean into his chest as tears escape my eyes. I have no idea why I'm crying but I am. 

He lifts my face up from his chest and wipes the tears from my eyes. 

"What's wrong?" 

"I was supposed to get my period a week ago... I haven't gotten it." I say and Marcus freezes, then relaxes. 

"Do you think it could be cause you've been stressing?" 

"I mean yeah maybe, but I don't know. I am really worried... what if I'm..." I say and I don't even have to finish the sentence because Marcus knows what I mean. 

"You can't be, we've been careful." 

"I know, but it doesn't mean the condom can't break.." I say and he sighs. 

"Have we got any pregnancy tests lying around?" 

"Maybe, I'll go and check in Alanah's bathroom." I say and he nods. I get up from the bed and walk across the hall to Alanah's ensuite. Luckily, no one is in her room or the bathroom, as both Josh and Alanah are probably downstairs, tending to Oliver. 

I look in her cupboards and find a pregnancy test. I take it and walk out of the bathroom and back into my room, shutting and locking my bedroom door behind me. 

Marcus is now out of bed and at my side. He pulls me into a hug as he can tell I am nervous. 

"Whatever this test says, everything is going to be okay, no matter the outcome." He says pressing his lips to mine and I nod. 

I can't stop myself from shaking when I enter the bathroom to take the test. Once I've taken the test, I open the bathroom door and Marcus comes in as we wait for the result. 

Marcus grabs me and pulls me to him, wrapping his strong arms around my fragile, shaking body. I am so scared. It's not that I don't want to be a mother, it's just I don't think I'm ready to be one, not like this. There's no doubt if I am pregnant I'll keep the baby, I couldn't bring myself to get an abortion, but it'll be tough. 

I want Marcus and I to be able to decide when the times right to have kids, after we're happily married and ready. But if it has to happen this way then so be it, we do want kids at the end of the day. 

[Under editing] You and I - Marcus BontempelliWhere stories live. Discover now