One Hundred and Sixty Six

199 12 41

^^another one of my fave pics 

It's been 3 months since the grand final and finally the best day of my life has come. My wedding to Marcus.

We have spent months upon months planning it but with Covid it had to get postponed like about 50 times, so I'm glad we can finally have our wedding today.

My alarm goes off and I smile to myself as I smash my fist on the alarm. This is probably the happiest I've been to wake up this early in the morning for a long time.

I struggle to get out of bed at 8am, but here I am full of energy at 5:30am. The girls slept over last night which I'm glad they did cause it would be such a hassle for them to head over to my place this early in the morning.

I walk downstairs and hear that the coffee machine has been switched on which I am glad about. I see Alanah, Bianca, Kim, Alyssa, Sophia and Natalia all up which makes me smile.

"Good morning." I say walking over to the couch and taking a seat and they all smile at me.

"Morning." They all say in sync which makes me laugh.

"You ready for your big day?" Kimmy asks with a smile and I nod. 

"Definitely. But I am a bit nervous, I just want everything to be perfect." I say and they nod.

"Em, it will turn out perfectly fine." Alanah says and I smile, taking a deep breath as I am already feeling stressed.

"I hope you're right." I say and Alanah smiles, getting up and pulling me into a hug. 

"So what time are the girls coming to do our hair and makeup?" Sophia asks just as the doorbell rings which causes as to all giggle.

"Right now." I say, heading over to the front door. 

"Hey Em." Rebecca, my hairdresser says and I smile, pulling her into a hug. 

"Hey Bec, how are you?" 

"Yeah good, yourself?" She asks as we walk through the house together. 

"Yeah not bad actually, just starting to get a bit nervous." I say and she chuckles, as I turn the light on in the spare room we have so she can set up. 

"Alright, it'll take me roughly about 5 minutes to set up, so get comfortable." She says as the other girls come into the room to say hello to her. 

"Hey girlies." Amanda says, my makeup artist for today and I smile. 

"Hey Amanda, how are you?" 

"Good, yourself?" 

"I'm great!" I say and she chuckles. 

"Alright while Bec is setting up, we'll get started on your makeup, what were you after?" 

"Just a natural look." I say and she nods. 

"I got the perfect look for you!" She says and I smile. 

"Blow me away then!" I say and she chuckles as she grabs her stuff out of her bag to start applying products. 

[Under editing] You and I - Marcus BontempelliWhere stories live. Discover now