One Hundred and Two

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The next fly's by so fast, I've blinked and it's already Wednesday. I'm in bed, not wanting to get up and start my day. Not that I was doing anything interesting today anyways.

I am scrolling on my phone when I get an incoming FaceTime call from Marcus. I smile to myself as I answer the call.

"Good morning." I say and he smiles.

"Good morning. How did you sleep?"

"Yeah not too bad yourself?"

"Yeah alright, better when you're with me though." He says and I roll my eyes.

"I swear you have separation anxiety from me." I say and he laughs.

"Again your joking about that when people actually have it."

"Oh shut up, you laughed." I say and he smiles.

"Cause you're just funny." he says and I smile.

"I know I am."

"We get it, you're cocky." He says and I smile.

"I get it from the best." I say and he smiles.

"What are your plans for today?" Marcus asks and I shrug.

"Nothing, I was just gonna lounge around." I say and he nods.

"Oh yeah. Well, Bevo wants you to come into the club today."

"Why?" I ask very confused.

"Well we have our last training session before we fly up to Canberra tomorrow."

"Oh so he just wants me to help out?"

"Yeah, if you can." Marcus says with a massive smile on his face and I nod.

"Yeah sure. What time does training start?"


"Okay, I'll get ready now." I say and Marcus nods.

"I'll come and pick you up, we can go together."

"Okay." I say and he smiles.

"See you soon beautiful."

"Yes." I say and then we hang up. Once we've hung up, I jump out of bed and put some 2xu's on with my bulldogs polo top with my bulldogs jacket and my airforces and I head downstairs. I grab a pre-made smoothie from the fridge. Alanah and Bianca are sitting on the couch as they turn around and smile.

"Good Morning, where are you going so bright and early?" Bianca says and I smile.

"The men's training." I say and they nod.

"Oh yeah." Alanah says and I smile.

"Yeah, I feel like Marcus is up to something, he was acting a bit weird when he FaceTimed me in bed."

"Hmm, interesting." Bianca says and I nod. I take my smoothie to the couch and take a seat.

"You girls don't know anything do you?"

[Under editing] You and I - Marcus BontempelliWhere stories live. Discover now