One Hundred and Fifty Eight

163 9 10

^^ Bruce McAvaney "You know who, of course it's him... it's him" - lives rent free in my head. 

The next morning I'm up early as I have to make my way to the club, where I'll be telling Bruce the verdict on his knee. 

To be honest, I'm not confident about the scans, I feel like we're all going to be disappointed with the result. 

I quickly get ready before placing a kiss on Marcus' cheek who is still sleeping before heading down to the Whitten Oval. 

It's only 9:30, meaning that Bruce will be having his scan now. I am a bit nervous, for his sake because I know how much of an influence he's had. We're definitely going to miss him this week cause either way he's going to be out for the rest of the season. 

I walk into the club and say hello to a few people before heading to my office and taking a seat. I open a few emails from Jake and Sarah, before I know it there is a knock on my door. 

"Come in." I say, and the door opens and Josh walks through the door, holding his scans in his hands. 

"Hey Josh, how are you?" I ask and he sighs, sitting down on the chair in front of my desk. 

"I'm okay." He says and I nod. 

"Just put me out of my misery Em, and tell me straight." Josh says and I nod, as I grab the scans off of him and have a look. 

I try and not show any emotion when I can see it is clearly an ACL and he'll be out for 9 months. 

"It's an ACL." I say and he sighs, then nods. He puts his head in his hands trying to hold back his emotions, as I try to hold back mine. 

"I know it's not what you wanted to hear, but we're going to send you in to have surgery on Wednesday and I am going to start setting out your rehab plan so that once you've recovered from the surgery we can try and get you back out there as soon as possible." I say and he just nods, unable to say anything. 

"We're all hear for you, so if you need anything you can always come and see me if you have any questions or concerns about the injury or just need some emotional support, I'll be happy to help in anyway possible." 

"Thanks Em, I really appreciate it." He says and I smile. 

"It's my job. But right now, my job won't be done until I successfully get you back out there." I say and he nods, then smiles. 

"Well as much as it hurts to not be out there with the boys I am going to do everything I can to get this knee right, so I can get back out there." 

"That's the motto to have." I say with a smile and he lets out a small smile too. 

"Thank you again Em." 

"No worries." I say, then he gets up and walks out and I sigh. 

Definitely was expected, but I had some hope in me that he just twisted his knee and could miss a couple weeks. But of course it's an ACL. 

I pick my phone up and as I do I get a message from Marcus asking what the verdict is. So I tell him and he is devastated for Bruce, as we all are. 

[Under editing] You and I - Marcus BontempelliWhere stories live. Discover now