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After we hang up, Alyssa comes into my room and sits down next to me on my bed.

"What's up?" I ask and she smiles.

"I'm so nervous about the draft." She says and I pull her into a hug.

"You'll be fine, I promise." I say and she nods.

"How are you feeling about it?" She asks and I sigh.

"Look, it's still a few weeks away, but I am nervous. I really hope we both get drafted to the Bulldogs too." I say and she nods.

"Noah will definitely be picked up by Bulldogs, they need someone like him." Alyssa says and I nod.

"Yes, he will. And I have a gut feeling we will too." I say and she smiles.

I look at the time and am shocked when it's 10pm. Alyssa heads off to bed and I think it's best if I do the same. I put my pajamas's on doze off to sleep.

The next few weeks fly past. The buzz around the Whitten Oval is amazing as the Women's draft is soon approaching. A few days ago I got to meet some of the Bulldogs AFLW players. They were so nice and we got on really well. They wished me luck and are hoping I get drafted to the Bulldogs.

It's draft day and I am so nervous walking into Marvel Stadium with my family. Alanah and Bianca are also here with their families as their younger sisters are getting drafted as well. We take a seat and wait for the draft to begin.

Gillon Mclachlan walks up to on stage and starts the introduction. He then starts with the draft. The first two picks go passed and the girls that get selected are really talented. He reads out pick 3:

"The Western Bulldogs have selected Emilia Martinelli at pick 3." Gillon reads out. I jump up happy and hug everyone around me, I walk up on stage where Ellie Blackburn gives me my jersey. She gives me a hug and I walk over to Bruce McAvaney who interviews me.

"Emilia, how does it feel to finally get drafted?" He asks and I smile.

"Pretty surreal. I just can't believe it." I say with a massive smile on my face.

"Yes, now you were overlooked 5 times correct?"

"Yes, 5 times." I say

"Did you ever think you'd get drafted?" He asks and I smile.

"I actually thought about giving up, many times, but it was my parents who told me to try one more year." I say and he nods.

"So, if you didn't get drafted this year that would've been it for you?" He asks and I nod.

"Yep, it unfortunately would've been. But I am happy I listened to my parents and stuck with it because it's payed off." I smile.

"It sure has. Now, your sister is hoping to get drafted as well. How do you think she's feeling right now?"

"Oh, I know she's very nervous because this is a dream for her as well. But she'd be extremely happy that I finally got drafted."

"I'm sure she would be, now before you go, your brother Noah is also going to try and get drafted later in the year?"

"Yes, Noah is as well."

[Under editing] You and I - Marcus BontempelliWhere stories live. Discover now