Sixty One

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"Why is there so much traffic on a Monday afternoon?" Marcus asks as we stop behind hundreds of cars and I shrug.

"Maybe there's an accident." I say and he sighs.

"You could be right." He says.

"It's fine babe. We're in no rush." I say and he nods.

"True, but you know me, I hate traffic." He says and I nod.

"I do know that." I say and he smiles. I look out the window, not that there is much to see other than hundreds of cars banked up all along the freeway. It is annoying how there is so much traffic, like everyone just wants to get to their destination. But obviously something must have happened for it to be banked up this much. I know how much Marcus hates traffic, so I am surprised he has stayed calm. Usually he gets very frustrated. There was a time ages ago where we were in traffic, it was worse than this and Marcus got really pissed off because a 10 minute drive turned into an half an hour drive. He was so frustrated that I had to calm him down. I had never ever seen him like that before. But I spoke to him and told him that there's no point in getting all worked up about it because it's not like it's going to get us to our destination faster. Since then he has been pretty calm when it comes to traffic, which is surprising. Maybe he was embarrassed of acting that way in front of me, but I couldn't care. No matter how he acts, whether he gets frustrated about traffic or not, I will never fall out of love with him. But I know he doesn't want me to see him that way.

I look over at Marcus and I see that his jaw is clenched. This is a sign of him getting frustrated. I intertwine my fingers into his. He looks at me and smiles.

"It's okay we'll get there." I say and he nods.

We pass the accident and then everyone starts driving the speed limit again and the traffic dispirits. We get to my parents house no longer than 5 minutes later. Marcus parks in the driveway and I open the front door with the key I have. Marcus and I take our shoes off and walk inside.

"Hello." I yell out to see if anyone is home. I hear footsteps running down the stairs. Leo and Noah run up to us and give us a massive hug. They sure have missed me as much as I have missed them. Although, the way they're hugging Marcus I'm not to sure if they missed me as much. I think they missed Marcus more. Which hurts but at the same time is adorable.

"Hey guys." I say and they smile.

"Hey Em, how have you been?" Leo asks and I smile.

"Not too bad. I can see you guys missed Marcus more than you missed me." I say with a smile and they laugh.

"Of course." Noah says and I roll my eyes. We walk into the living room and sit down on the couch.

"Are Mum and Dad still up at the house?" I ask and Leo nods.

"Yeah, they are." Leo says and I nod.

"Cool." I say getting up and going to the fridge.

"Babe do you want anything to drink?" I ask.

"Yeah, I'll have a water." He says and I nod. I grab a bottle of water from the shelf and a bottle of coke for myself. I close the fridge door and walk back over to the couch and hand Marcus the bottle.

[Under editing] You and I - Marcus BontempelliWhere stories live. Discover now