One Hundred and Sixteen

141 3 30

Marcus' POV

My breathing is still heavy and I am still seeing red as I contemplate what I should do.

"Ah fuck it." I say as I walk up to the front door.

Just as I am about to knock, I hear a car pull up in the driveway. I turn my head to the side and see it's Emilia and Josh. I snap my head back and knock on the door, pretty hard too.

I hear footsteps and I am greeted by a sleepy Patrick Cripps. Seeing him fuels my anger even more.

"How could you." I say shoving him back, and he gives me a confused look as he lets me storm in passed him.

"How could I what?" He says, clearly confused.

"Oh don't play dumb with me Crippa. We all know what you did." I spit and he laughs.

"And what did I do exactly?" He says still very confused. I'm about to remind him when Em and Josh run through the door. Em comes straight to me and puts her hands on my shoulders.

"Marcus, what are you doing? You're not thinking straight." She says and I look at her. "I know you're angry right now, but please, hurting Crippa won't make it any better. I can tell you that now."

I continue to look at her in disgust. The fucking nerve she has to try and calm me down when she is part of the problem.

"Please, you're not any better than him." I say which I can tell hurts her, but I don't care.

"Em, what's going on?" Crippa asks, which makes me stifle a laugh.

"What's going on?" I say walking closer to him.

"Marcus." Emilia says, but I don't listen to her.

"YOU kissed my girlfriend on your little brunch date. Which is a detail Emilia forgot to include." I say looking at her and I can tell she is going to start balling her eyes out. JSOS, Fisher and Walsh walk into the living area, rubbing their eyes and trying to work out what the hell is going on.

"I didn't do that." Cripps says which makes me rage in anger more.

"YES YOU DID! And there is fucking proof." I spit and he laughs.

"What proof do you have?" He asks, now getting angry. I grab my phone out and shove the photo in his face. His mouth drops when he see's the photo, which makes me even angrier. I see him look at Emilia, then looks back at me.

"This is fake. I would never dare to kiss another mans girl. Especially yours Bont, you know that." He says and I stare at him in disbelief.

"How the fuck can it be fake?"

This time Emilia steps forward, not saying but shoving her phone in my face, showing me another photo. But it isn't of them making out, it's of them talking and laughing over brunch.

This calms me down but confuses me at the same time.

"Wait, you're showing me two different photos.. so is it real or not?"

"It's not real." Emilia says looking straight into my eyes.

"Marcus. I am so fucking in love with you. Why would you think I would ever cheat on you? I know this article bullshit has happened once before, and you promised me that if it happens again you won't jump to conclusions, but you did. I find it unfair how you jumped to conclusions again before waiting for me to explain that it was fake and that the kiss didn't happen. I know you were hurt and your first reaction was this, but maybe you should've woken me up, I would've happily explained it all to you." Em says and I sigh. I look at Cripps who looks at me and I sigh again.

"Mate I am so sorry. I'm a bit of a hot head." I say to him and he smiles.

"It's fine Bont. But you know I would never touch your girl." He says which makes me smile. I look at Em, who I can tell has been crying. She hates it when I yell, and get angry like this. So I pull her in for a hug and she sobs into my chest.

Emilia's POV:

"Well, good morning to you too." Fisher says which makes us all laugh. I lift my face up to look at Marcus and I place a kiss on his cheek, before he turns around.

"Sorry for waking you guys up."

"Nah it's alright, clearly there was something going on." Walsh says and he nods. He goes up to Crippa and wraps him in a hug.

JSOS comes over and gives me a hug.

"You okay?" He says and I nod.

"Yeah, I'm okay now. At one point I thought I lost him." I say my voice cracking and he pulls me back into a hug. Walsh and Fisher also come up to me and pull me in a hug. This is really the first time I've spoken to Sam, and he is really a lovely guy.

"Since you guys are here, let me make breakfast." Cripps says and I laugh.

"I'll help." I say looking at Marcus and he nods.

I know we still need to talk about what happened and clear the air, but right now, I think we just need some laughter.

I walk over to the kitchen with Pat and I help him make some breakfast, while the others make their way outside as it is a sunny morning.

"Are you okay Em?" Pat asks once everyone has gone outside and I nod.

"I guess so. I just hope they don't obtain a photo of us actually kissing." I say and he nods

"Surely they won't. And if they do, it'll be from months ago." He says and I nod. I'm about to say something but Josh walks in with a worried look on his face.

"What now." I say and he sighs.

"I don't know how, but they've uploaded another photo on the article..." he says slowly and I nod.

"Of course they have, because I, Emilia Martinelli can never have a fucking perfect relationship." I say, my voice cracking.

"When was it taken?" Pat asks Josh and Josh shrugs

"Look I don't know. You guys would be able to figure out when it was." Josh says showing Pat the picture, and he shakes his head

"This wasn't recent. It was over 6 months ago, you can tell by how short Em's hair is." Pat says and Josh nods

"That's exactly what I thought when I saw the photo.." he says. Then he sighs "If Marcus see's this it'll break him."

And as soon as he says this I start to panic. My breathing quickens and tears start to stream down my face. There's no denying it now. The only thing I can do is tell Marcus the truth. Who knows if he'll even believe me.

The thing is, is that when this kiss happened, it was during the time Marcus and I were not together, so technically it shouldn't upset Marcus, that much. Obviously it'll still upset him, but he can't blame me for cheating on him, because I didn't.

Patrick pulls me into a hug. "Shhh, it's okay. Everything is going to be okay. This photo was 6 months ago anyways."

"Yeah, like he'll believe that. I'm already on thin ice with him." I say, just as Marcus walks in, tears staining his cheeks.....

Oh dear... just as we thought they sorted everything out, now this happens...

Fingers crossed Marcus believes Em.

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Next update out soon!!

[Under editing] You and I - Marcus BontempelliWhere stories live. Discover now