Sixty Four

179 6 36

Game on bitch! I think as we set up for the next centre bounce. Marcus runs over to me and hands me the drink bottle and I squeeze it into my mouth

"You okay babe?" He asks and I nod.

"Yeah I'm fine." I say and he nods,

"Seems like Christina hit you hard." He says and I nod.

"She did, but no hard feelings." I say and he raises an eyebrow

"Are you sure? You looked like you were going to kill her before." He says and I laugh.

"I'll explain later." I say and he nods. He runs off to the side and the game begins. Celine taps it straight to me and I run, I feel someone try and tackle me, but I shrug them off before I get the ball to my right foot and it sails through the middle of the two goal posts. Natalia and Sophia are the first one's around me, giving me hugs and rewarding me on kicking a goal from the 50. I look over at Marcus and he is smiling. I then look at Christina with a smug look on my face. She has a frown on my face which makes me smile even more. We get back to our positions and Christina for some reason is on me now. I know that Bailey wouldn't have changed swapped positions with her. She must've just come on me without Bailey knowing. Bailey (Hunt) is "captain" for our match simulation. I look at Marcus who raises an eyebrow at me and mouths "be careful." I nod. Christina nudges me so I nudge her back. The ball is bounced and it lands in Christina's hands, she try's to run but fails when I tackle her and she gets caught up in the tackle and drops the ball. Marcus pays a free kick to me and I kick the ball into the 50 hoping for someone to mark it. Bonnie Toogood marks the ball and goes back and kicks a goal.

The game continues and my team ends up smashing the other team by 54 points. I could tell Christina was angry at me as I was smashing her out of the centre. But I don't care, she can be angry at me, I am not going to let her pettiness. I walk over to Marcus who wraps me up in a hug.

"You played good." He says and I smile.

"Thanks." I say, placing a kiss on his cheek.

"I'll see you later." I say and he nods, then I walk into the changerooms. Natalia is walking out when I walk in, I say goodbye to her as I walk in.

"Who does she think she is? First stealing the guy I like, and now smashing me in match sim?" I hear Christina's voice say, from one of the shower stalls. I quickly get changed hoping neither her or Samantha come out while I'm in here.

"I know. She is not good." Samantha says and I feel my blood boil.

"I don't even know why Marcus likes her, she's not even pretty. Like, I know I am better than her." Christina says and I try to hold my laugh in. Even though the words coming out of her mouth hurt, I just can't believe she is saying those harsh things.

"You are better than her." Samantha says.

"I know I am." Christina says. I roll my eyes, quickly grabbing my stuff and walking out of the bathroom. I bump into Sophia and she smiles.

"Hey, sorry I didn't walk with you, Nathan wanted to speak to me." She says and I nod.

"Nah it's fine. I'll see you at the Cafe." I say and she nods. I continue walking out and to the Cafe. I spot Marcus and Baz sitting in our usual spot and I smile as I sit down.

"Hey, I ordered you a flat white with two sugars and a chocolate chip cookie." Marcus says with a smile and I laugh.

"Aww, you're too sweet." I say and he smiles.

"You shouldn't be drinking coffee after training." Baz says and I roll my eyes.

"Thanks Baz for stating the obvious, but one time won't hurt." I say and they both laugh.

Sophia's POV:

I walk into the changerooms and hear Christina and Samantha talking about something.

"You know what. I'm going to try and make Marcus fall in love with me, he will be so in love with me that he won't even look twice at her." Christina says and I freeze.

Did I just hear that correctly? I think. This can't be good.... Why does everyone want to break them apart?

"That is such a good idea. He will totally fall in love with you." Samantha says and I hear Christina giggle.

"I'm going to text Marcus now and see if he wants to catch up tonight." She says and Samantha squeals.

"Yes!" She says encouraging Christina's disgusting behaviour. I can't believe my ears. I want to say something, and shut this plan down, but when I try to speak, nothing comes out of my mouth.

"I'm going to try and kiss him too." Christina says and my mouth drops open. That's it, I've had enough I need to support my best friend and say something to these two idiots.

"That's a nice plan you have." I say, putting my shoes in my bag. Both doors on the shower stalls open and Christina and Samantha come out with their eyes raised.

"I thought you were friends with Emilia." Christina says and I laugh.

"Yeah, I am. But let me tell you something, you have no idea who you're dealing with." I say, I grab my stuff and walk out of the change rooms before they could say anything else.

Emilia's POV

I am talking to Baz and Marcus when Sophia comes running up to the table.

"You okay?" I say and she shakes her head.

"Em, we need to talk now, just us two." She says grabbing my hand and I nod, getting up. Marcus and Baz look at us with their eyebrow's raised and I shrug. I have no idea what she is going to talk to me about.

She pulls me outside and we take a seat on the benches on the grand stand at the Whitten Oval.

"What's up?" I ask and she sighs.

"You will never believe what I heard while I was in the changerooms." She says and I gulp.

"Was it Samantha and Christina talking?" I ask and she nods.

"Yeah, what did they say while you were in there?" She asks.

"Christina was saying that I stole Marcus from her because she liked him and that she's better than me, but that was about it." I say and Sophia shakes her head and sighs.

"That's all they said?" She asks and I nod.

"Why... What did they say?" I ask my heart pounding in my chest.

"Christina said that she's going to text Marcus and ask if he can meet up with her, then she said she's going to try and kiss him. So basically she's trying to split you two apart." She says and my heart sinks.

"What?" I say, my heart pounding against my chest.


Ooh damn.... This can't be good.

But who does Christina think she is?

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Next update should be out soon!

[Under editing] You and I - Marcus BontempelliWhere stories live. Discover now