One Hundred and Sixty One

249 8 28

^^2016 Bont hits different 🥵 - legit one of my fave pics of him... he just looks so damn good 

The siren sounds as a loud roar of cheers fill the stadium. Stringer has marked the ball virtually on the siren and has to chance to lessen the margin, but he misses, resulting in a point for the bombers. 

"Sons of the west" Then starts blasting through the stadium and all the fans sing along to it. 

We won. We did it. We have won our first final in 5 years. The last time we won a final was the granny back in 2016. I can't believe it's taken so long to win a final, but it was damn worth it. 

Not comparing our 5 year (1825 days) "drought" to Essendon's 6204 days since they won a final. But damn it's been a long time. I had forgotten the pure joy of how it is to win a final. 

I want to run out onto the ground and celebrate with the boys but I have to help pack up first. We quickly grab as much things as we can and head down to the rooms, dumping everything in the corner and waiting for our champions to come down. 

I give Sarah and the rest of the coaches and staff hugs as we wait. But sure enough, there's a loud ruckus, with cheers, and "whoo's" echoed down as the boys make their way into the rooms. 

We all start cheering as we see them walk in, smiles on every single one of their faces. Marcus is the first one down, being captain of course. He wraps Bevo in a hug then heads over to the middle of the room where they'll sing the song. In the meantime, Bevo is congratulating every single one of the boys, ruffling their hair and giving them a high-five hug. 

The boys all link arms and sing the song loud and proudly. We all join in by clapping our hands and singing with them. 

Once it's done, the pure joy everyone feels is evident. It's finally sunken in. We're going to Brisbane to play the Lions in a semi final. 

I let Marcus talk and hug a few of the other staff members before we our eyes meet. I run up to him and pull him in a massive hug, ripping the mask from his face and placing a kiss on his lips, which causes him to laugh. I burry my face into his chest as we stand there hugging for what seems like an eternity, before I decide to pull away and actually speak to my superstar boyfriend. 

"You did it." I say and he chuckles. 

"I know. We did." He says and I smile. 

"You were amazing as always." 

"Aw thanks babe." Marcus says but then is interrupted by Baz.

"It was a team effort." Baz says mimicking Marcus and I laugh. 

"Well it was. Bont can't do everything." 

"That's very true." Marcus says and I smile. 

"You played well too baz." I say which causes him to smile. 

"Thanks Em." He says as I go and wrap him in a hug. 

I then make eye contact with Cody and run up to him and give him a massive hug. 

"4 goals. You are a star kid." I say ruffling his hair and he laughs. 

"Nah thanks Em, gotta do my job." 

[Under editing] You and I - Marcus BontempelliWhere stories live. Discover now