Forty Five

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The next week flies passed and I have completed all my exams! I am happy to have gotten them over and done with. Today is Friday, which means it's the last day of my exams! Luckily I only have one exam today. Bianca and Alanah also have one exam too, so after our exams we're going to have a look at the house we were looking at buying in Carlton. I checked how far the house is from Marcus' and it's actually not that far. A good 5 minute drive.

I get ready for the day and head out as I woke up late. I drive to Vic Uni and walk straight to the room I am having my exam in. We got told to be in the room at 8:50 so that they can call attendance, but the actual exam doesn't start until 9am. I walk in to see nearly everyone seated at a desk. I spot an empty desk near Bianca and Alanah and I sit there. I give them a smile as I will get told off if I actually speak to them.

The teacher supervising marks attendance which literally takes 10 minutes. And then we get started on our exam.

Marcus' POV:

Josh and I have decided to go down to the Whitten Oval to have a kick of the footy and practice our goal kicking as we're allowed too. The actual oval is open for anyone to use, only in the off season and when us players aren't there. I go passed Josh's house and pick him up, then we drive to the Whitten Oval. We park in our usual spot and walk to the oval. Today there is no one here which is good. We set up some goal kicking drills as well as some other drills we usually do at training when I hear a voice I recognise all too well.

"Marcus!" The voice says. I turn around to see Melissa walking towards me. I groan and look at Josh.

"What the fuck is she doing here?" I say quietly and Josh shrugs.

"I dunno man isn't she supposed to be staying away from you and the oval?" He says and I nod.

"Yes." I say just as she reaches us.

"Hey Josh, can you go get the extra footy, I must've left it in the car." I say, he looks at me for a few seconds then realises I mean to call the cops and nods.

"Okay, I'll be back." He says and he walks off.

"Marcus." Melissa says and I roll my eyes.

"What do you want?" I ask and she smiles.

"I want you back." She says and I shake my head.

"We've been through this a million times." I say picking up a cone and moving it from one spot to another.

"But I want you." She says and I laugh.

"Sure you do." I say and she groans.

"You're not supposed to be coming near me." I say and she shrugs.

"Do you think I care what your dumb bitch of a girlfriend thinks of me?" She says and I feel my blood boil, but I know she just wants a reaction out of me that's why she called Em a dumb bitch. I could beat the living daylights out of her right now, but I know it won't get me anywhere. Yes it'll make me feel better, but it's still wrong. I shake my head.

"You're missing the whole point here." I say and she shakes her head.

"No. What's so good about her?" She asks and I laugh.

[Under editing] You and I - Marcus BontempelliWhere stories live. Discover now