Sixty Five

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"What?" I say, my heart pounding against my chest. 

"So, that's why she's being a bitch to me." I say my blood starting to boil. 

"She wants to try and break me and Marcus up, so that she can have him. Not that Marcus would go for her anyways." I say and Sophia nods. 

"That's exactly what is happening." She says and I sigh. 

"I want to knock her out." I say balling my fists. 

"I know you want too. But it's not ideal. It might cool off by our next training session." She says and I nod. 

"You're right. But I need to warn Marcus, just in case he gets sucked in." I say and Sophia nods. 

"Yes. But Marcus isn't dumb. He will know what she's trying to do." 

"I know he will." I say and Sophia smiles. 

"Try not to worry about it okay?" She says and I nod. 

"Okay, I'll try not too." I say and she pulls me in for a hug just as Baz and Marcus come out. 

"Everything okay?" Marcus asks and I nod. 

"Yeah, just Christina wants to come in between us and try to break us up, so she can have you." I say and Marcus laughs. 

"You know that's not happening." He says and I nod. 

"I know. I just wanted to let you know." I say and he smiles. 

"It's fine babe." He says and I smile. I know Marcus will shut her down. I shouldn't be worried. But I know how girls work. Some girls are very good at manipulating guys and most of the time it works. Not that it will work on Marcus because he knows who he truly loves. 

"I should probably get going, I'm hungry and tired." I say, getting up and Marcus smiles. 

"Alright, I'll see you soon okay?" He says and I nod. I place a kiss on his lips, then I hug Baz and Sophia and walk to my car. I get in my car and drive home. 

When I get inside, Alanah and Bianca are making dinner. They're trying to make lasagna so hopefully it turns out nice. 

"Hey girls." I say and they smile when they see me. 

"Hey Em, how are you?" Bianca asks and I smile. 

"Not too bad." I say sighing. 

"What's up?" Alanah says leaning on the bench. 

"You know Christina Jones?" I ask and they nod. 

"Well, she wants to ruin my relationship with Marcus." I say and they shake their heads. 

"You serious?" Bianca asks and I nod. 

"Yep, Sophia heard them talking about it when she was in the changerooms. And when I was in there, I heard them say some mean shit." 

"Typical." Alanah says rolling her eyes and I sigh. 

"I just wish it was easier." I say and they nod. 

[Under editing] You and I - Marcus BontempelliWhere stories live. Discover now