One Hundred and Fifty Three

152 6 18

The next morning I wake up with Marcus next to me as usual. I decide to not wake him and let him sleep in as he was buggered from the game last night so I don't blame him. 

I get out of bed slowly, making sure to try and not wake him up, but of course that fails. He sits up and looks at me, a frown arising on his face. 

"Where are you going?" 

"Oh, just downstairs, I was going to let you sleep." I say and he pouts. 

"But I wanted to cuddle in bed with you today." 

"What all day?" 

"Yes all day." He says and I sigh, giving in and getting back into bed with him and snuggling up to him. 

"I really wanted to have a productive day." I groan and Marcus laughs. 

"Doing what exactly?" 

"I don't know. Maybe starting to plan stuff for our wedding." 

"Bro we haven't even officially told our parents or siblings yet." He says and I look at him. 

"Did you just bro me?" 

"Sorry babe, it slipped out." 

"Thought so." I say and he chuckles. 

"Maybe, if you let me go down stairs I can see if Dan has released any bloody restrictions." I say and he nods. 

"We can turn the Tv on in here." Marcus says and I sigh. 

"Of course, Marcus Bontempelli has an answer to everything." I say rolling my eyes and he laughs as he turns the Tv on and Daniel Andrews comes up on our screen. 

He let's the fellow Victorian's know that we will be coming out of lockdown as of 2pm today. Everything is basically open and we're allowed 5 visitors at our house per day which is perfect. 

"Looks like we're not staying home today." I say and Marcus sighs. 

"Fine, we'll head past both our parent's houses since we need to tell them the good news and we haven't seen them in a while." He says and I smile. 

"Thank you. We have been doing nothing for virtually 2 weeks, time to go out." I say and Marcus nods in agreement. 

"I guess you're right. We do need to go out." He says and I smile. 

"Love you." I say getting up and heading to my walk-in-robe to grab a towel and some clothes so I can have a shower. 

"Love you more." He says and I smile as I open the door to the bathroom and head in. I turn the water on and am about to start getting undressed when the bathroom door flies open and Marcus stands there with a smirk on his face and I roll my eyes, thanking god that I wasn't undressed. 

"Where was my invite." He says and I roll my eyes. 

"I deliberately didn't invite you." I say and he laughs. 

"You're rude." 

"I know." I say playing along with his joke. "But can you get out now? I need to have a shower." 

[Under editing] You and I - Marcus BontempelliWhere stories live. Discover now