One Hundred and Six

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The next morning I am awoken by some voices in the kitchen, I groan and roll over. I open my eyes slowly to see that Marcus isn't in bed. I reach over for my phone and look at the time, it's 8:30. I decide to get up as our flight is at 10am and we probably need to leave by 9. I get up and get changed making sure to pack my suitcase straight away otherwise I'll probably forget. Plus, we're going to leave in about half an hour, so there would be no point if I was to just leave my stuff and come back to it later. 

I walk into the ensuite and splash my face with water, then I pull my hair up into a messy bun and head into the lounge room where the boys are sitting on the couch, waiting patiently for 9am to come. 

"Morning." I say heading straight to the kitchen and opening the door to the little bar fridge where I see a smoothie sitting there, waiting for me. I smile and grab it out, Marcus must have bought it for me. 

"Morning Em." They all say as I head back to the couch with my smoothie in hand. 

"Thanks for the smoothie." I say sitting down next to Marcus and he smiles. 

"No worries, you're lucky Josh and I went for a walk early this morning while the rest of you were sleeping." He says and I shrug. 

"Someone has to take one for the team." I say and they all laugh. 

"But I was tired." I say yawning and they nod. 

"As we were." Ads says and I smile. I sip on my smoothie and listen to their conversation. 

"How did you find your first day on the job?" Treloar asks and I smile. 

"Good! Apart from all the injuries I had to deal with, it was good." 

"Anything like you expected?" 

"Yeah, I guess because I've been at the club for a year now and I've seen what most of the physio's do, so I sort of knew." I say and he nods. 

"Well, at least you won't have to deal with me." Dunks says and I smile. 

"Uhhh yeah I will. I'll probably be working with you on your rehab, when you get to that stage." I say and he shrugs. 

"Maybe, maybe not. Depends if Marcus allows it." He says with a laugh and Marcus rolls his eyes. 

"Josh mate." He says shaking his head. "You are my best friend, and probably Em's best friend too, if anything I'd want Em to help you with your rehab." 

"Exactly." I say and Josh shrugs. 

"I was just joking." He says and Treloar laughs. 

"We know mate." Adam says and I laugh. 

"Alright enough you two, it's fine. I will help Josh with rehab, no problem there." I say and everyone nods. I finish my smoothie and throw it in the bin. 

"Alright we should probably head down to the lobby now. We were told yesterday to be down there by 9:00." Marcus says and I nod. 

"Okay, let's hit the road boys." I say and everyone laughs. I get up and walk into the bedroom, Marcus not too far behind. I am in the process of grabbing my bags and checking in case I've forgotten anything when Marcus stands behind me and grabs me by my hips. He then turns me around to face him and leans in to kiss me and I smile against his lips. 

[Under editing] You and I - Marcus BontempelliWhere stories live. Discover now