One Hundred and Twenty Six

147 4 22

^^^this pic is getting me through the week... 🥰

Today is game day. We take on Freo at 4:40pm, or 6:40pm Melbourne time. But whether you're in Perth or Melbourne, it's still game day! 

We're all up early as the boys do their final preparations for the game. Marcus had a good sleep, which is good. I have no idea how he can just adjust to different mattresses so easily. Me, whenever I go away somewhere, I always have a hard time adjusting. The first night is always the hardest, I struggle to get to sleep.. usually. But last night being wrapped in Marcus' arms made me fall asleep almost instantly. I love how he has that affect on me. 

"Morning." I say as Marcus and I both wake up at the same time. 

"Morning gorgeous." He says placing kisses on my face and I smile. 

"I'll never get sick of this." 

"Me either." He says and I smile. 

"Big day ahead." I say and Marcus nods. 

"Yep, I'd usually go on my walk but I think I'll just walk around our apartment." He says which makes me laugh. 

"What? It always works to walk my dog before a game." 

"Okay, okay. Well our circumstances are a bit different, plus it's an away game. What do you do for an away game?" I ask and he shrugs. 

"Nothing really." 

"Don't you have an away routine?" 

"Yeah I do, it's just gonna be hard to do that when I have you with me." He says moving my hair out of the way and I smile. 

"I love you." I say. 

"I love you more." 

After a few more minutes of lying in bed, we decide to get up and head to the couch to watch some Tv. I would love to go and explore Perth, but under COVID regulations, we're not allowed to go anywhere. Which is a shame really. I would really love to come here and explore. I've heard that they have some beautiful beaches. 

But sightseeing isn't what we came here for. We came here to win against Freo, which we haven't been able to do since 2009. And the last time we got a win in Perth was that famous 2016 Elimination final. We find it hard to beat Freo, in Perth. But I'm sure the boys will be able to get the W. 

A few hours later... 

The time has come to head to Optus Stadium, which is a short 10 minute drive from where we are staying. 

We all head in and the boys prepare for the game while I help Sarah and the rest of the physio's and Docs set up. 

Before we know it, the boys are running out, not through the banner as the cheer squad is stuck in Melbourne. But there are a fair few doggies supporters here, and they are making it known that they are as they are cheering as loudly as they can. 

Not long after the game starts and it's down to business for the boys. 

The first quarter goes pretty well, Libba is getting tagged by both Caleb Serong and Adam Cerra, and they've both done a good job as Libba hasn't had much impact on the game. The second quarter was a bit better with Libba managing to get away from Serong who was his main tagger, but still wasn't doing any damage. I had to tend to Stef Martin who hurt his shoulder late in the second quarter. The docs checked it out and sent him back on, which I didn't agree with, but I guess they're doctors. He then kept on hurting it so we just kept him off for the remainder of the quarter. He got subbed off for the second half. The scores at half time were 44 to 28. Doggies leading obviously. 

The second half was a bit tougher with Freo managing to come back within eight points, but not until Libba broke free of his tag as Serong and Cerra focused their attention on Marcus, rather than Libba. This caused Libba to kick 2 back-to-back goals. 

We end up winning the game by a solid 28 points with Macrae getting over 30 disposals for the 12th time this year. He is an absolute gun. And Marcus, don't even get me started at how much I admire him. Both as a person and a footballer. He is just so bloody slick and makes everything look easy. Those two goals he kicked from around about 55 to 60 meters out, he made it look so damn easy. But I know I would never be able to kick from that far out. I can barley kick from 50 meters. But he is just so good at what he does, and it's amazing to watch. 

We head down to the rooms where the boys sing the song, which I don't get to watch because I'm helping pack everything up as we're flying back to Melbourne now. I don't even get to see Marcus until we're getting on the bus to the airport. 

I leap into his arms and he smiles, placing a kiss on my cheek. 

"You played well today babe." I say and he smiles. 

"Thanks." He says as we head on to the bus and I smile at him. We take a seat and then he sighs. 

"What's the verdict on Stef?" 

"I'm not too sure yet. We ruled him out of the game just for precaution. But the Docs are saying he should be fine for round 14." I say and he nods. 

"Okay good." He says which makes me smile. I love how he's so caring towards other players. He wants to know the verdict of every single injury to make sure that he knows as a captain and can check on their wellbeing as recovering from injuries take a huge toll on the players. 

"I love you." I say and he smiles. 

"I love you more." He says placing a kiss on my cheek. 

Not long after we arrive at the airport and virtually board the plane straight away for a 3 and a half hour plane ride back to Melbourne.... 


Hey guys, I know this one was again quite boring. 

I'm having a bit of a writers block with this story 

But I'm sure I'll get some ideas in no time! 

Remember to vote and comment 

Next update out soon 

[Under editing] You and I - Marcus BontempelliWhere stories live. Discover now