Fifty Nine

203 4 23

Emilia's POV:

We decide to walk back downstairs and join Alanah and Josh on the couch. They smile when they see us coming down the stairs.

"Hey guys." I say taking a seat on the couch and they smile.

"Hey." They both say and I sigh.

"You would not believe what happened while I was at Daniel's house." I say just as Bianca walks through the door.

"What happened?" She asks sitting down on the couch and I laugh.

"Hello to you to." I say and she smiles.

"But no actually, tell me what happened." She says and I sigh.

"You guys remember Dylan." I ask and their mouths drop.

"Yes of course." Alanah says.

"Well, he is Daniel's housemate." I say and they gasp.

"What?" Bianca says and I nod.

"So I obviously went there expecting to see Daniel. But he was there too and he literally hasn't changed one bit from high school." I say and Bianca shrugs.

"Why would he change." She says rolling her eyes.

"He asked about you B." I say and she frowns.

"Why would he ask about me?"

"He said he feels terrible for hurting you." I say and she laughs.

"I find that hilarious." She says and I nod.

"And he also admitted to liking me throughout high school." I say and Alanah smiles.

"I knew he did. I just had a gut feeling that he did." Alanah says and I sigh.

"And I didn't believe you." I say and Bianca smiles.

"Maybe not believing Alanah is a good thing." Bianca says and I nod.

"Maybe. But he did try and kiss me." I say and they roll their eyes.

"Who doesn't try to kiss you." Bianca says, which makes everyone laugh.

"True. But I shut him down and walked out of there." I say and they clap their hands together.

"Good." Alanah says.

"When is Emilia not the centre of drama?" Josh says and I laugh.

"True. I'm just sick of it." I say and they all nod.

"We all are." Bianca says and I nod.

"This might not be the best time to bring it up, but Essendon are interested in me and they're offering a shit ton of money for me to go over there." Josh says, we all turn to him with our mouths open.

"What?" We all say and he nods.

"So what are you gonna do?" Marcus asks and Josh shrugs.

[Under editing] You and I - Marcus BontempelliWhere stories live. Discover now