One Hundred and Forty Six

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The next day, I wake up wrapped in Marcus' arms. I sigh as I roll over and look at the time, it's 10am. I close my eyes and snuggle back into Marcus, not wanting to get up and start the day. I sigh again as I remember the events of yesterday.

As my eyes a closed I feel Marcus unwrap his arms from me, which gives me an indication that he's awake. My eyes snap open and I turn to him with a smile.

"Oh sorry hun, did I wake you?" He says and I shake my head.

"No I was already up." I say leaning in and placing a kiss on his lips and he smiles.

"I can never get used to this."

"Used to what?" I question and he sighs.

"This." He says leaning in and placing a kiss on my lips. "You're perfect."

"I'm flattered. But I'm far from perfect Marcs."

"Well to me you're perfect." He says which makes me smile.

"And I can say the same about you." I say and this time he smiles.

We're having a little cute moment until we are interrupted by Marcus' phone going off. He picks his phone up and reads the message, a smile appearing on his face.

"What?" I ask and he turns to me smiling.

"Crippa has invited us over today." He says and I smile.

"Really? That's good, I have missed seeing him."

"Yeah, I don't miss the part where he tried to steal you."

"He could never steal me, cause my heart has always had you engraved in it." I say and he grins.

"But how can you not get sucked in by him? Look at him." I say and Marcus nods, then shrugs.

"I guess, he is a good looking fella."

"Exactly, but in my eyes... you're better." I say which makes him smile.

"Thanks." He says kissing me and I smile.

"What time are we going?"

"He said after 1. So we got ages." Marcus says pulling me onto him and I smile.

"Well, let's just relax."

"I was thinking of something else.." He says and I roll my eyes.

"No, not after the scare we had the other day."

"Aw, you're no fun." He pouts.

"I said no, and I am not giving in." I say and he nods.

"Suit yourself." He smirks which makes me roll my eyes.

I am so proud of myself that I didn't give in. Marcus can sometimes be irresistible and he knows it, so it's good to show him that I can resist him.

Not long later we decide to head downstairs to have something to eat. Marcus makes me some French toast, which I am pleased with. Most of the time it's us girls doing the cooking, but when we can't be bothered Josh cooks. He always makes sure to help us out when we're in the kitchen because he loves cooking.

[Under editing] You and I - Marcus BontempelliWhere stories live. Discover now