Forty Seven

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Have another chapter, since the last one was short! x 

The day of Graduation arrives! Bianca, Alanah and I are excited to finally be graduating after four long years of studying. I invited Marcus and Sophia to come along as Bianca and Alanah will obviously already be there. And my family is obviously coming along! They've been waiting for this day as long as I have.

Our school is doing a day graduation, it's pretty simple, we just rock up to Vic Uni and they hand us our degree's. Usually they throw an after party but for some reason this year they aren't doing that, which I don't mind because I'm sure my family has something up their sleeve that I don't know about.

We have to be at Vic Uni at 12pm. I know, what a stupid time, but the ceremony won't start until 12:30, and there are heaps of students to get through. Bianca, Alanah and I get ready and head to Vic Uni, our families are meeting us there. We get there in no longer than 15 minutes. It was actually a smooth drive with no traffic what's so ever.

We park the car and hop out, as we're walking in we spot our families and head over to them to say hello.

"Em! You look gorgeous." My Mum says wrapping me in a hug and I smile.

"Thanks Mum." I say and she smiles.

"I am so proud of you Em." My Dad says hugging me and I smile.

"Thanks Dad."

"We're all so proud of you." Leo says. I give all three of my siblings a hug. I then spot Marcus and Sophia walking towards us and I smile. I am so glad that they could make it!

"I am so proud of you baby." Marcus says. "And you look beautiful."

"Thank you." I say. He places a kiss on my forehead. Sophia pulls me into a hug and smiles.

"You deserve this." She says and I smile.

"Thanks Soph." I say and then we're called to sit in our seats.

One of the top professors that has been there at Vic Uni for over 20 years starts the ceremony. Then he starts reading out all the graduates. I have to wait all the way to M and so does Alanah as it's obviously in Alphabetical order (last names). It takes them a while to get to G and read Bianca's name out.

"Bianca Giordano, bachelor of Sport Science (Human Movement) and bachelor of Psychological Studies." He reads out. We all clap for Bianca and her family goes crazy. She gets up off the chair and walks up to the stage where the professor is standing. He hands her the certificate and she walks down the other side and back to her seat.

An hour later of students getting their certificates, they are finally starting to read out M last names. I am one of the first one's in the M's to get called up.

"Emilia Martinelli, bachelor of Sport Science (Human Movement) and bachelor of Psychological Studies." The professor reads out. My family goes crazy. As I'm making my way to the stage I hear Marcus yell out; "that's my girl" and I try not to laugh, or fall over. I thankfully, make it onto the stage without falling and making a fool out of myself. The professor hands me my certificate and congratulates me and then I walk off the stage and back to my seat.

"Alanah Miller, bachelor of Sport Science (Human Movement) and bachelor of Psychological Studies."

We all cheer for Alanah as she walks up to collect her certificate, her family yelling things as she walks up there. She then walks back to her seat.

[Under editing] You and I - Marcus BontempelliWhere stories live. Discover now