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We sit in the lunchroom talking about random things until we hear the door open. I turn my head to face the door, Alyssa and Natalia walk in. I smile as they walk over to our table and take a seat.

"Hey." I say and they smile.

"Hey Em." Alyssa says and Marcus raises an eyebrow.

"How are you going?" She asks and I sigh.

"Alright, I had a meeting with the president and coaches of both clubs and thankfully they believe me." I say and Alyssa sighs in relief.

"That's good." She says and I smile, looking at Marcus who looks so confused which causes me to laugh.

"Marcus, this is my younger sister Alyssa, and this is Natalia, Alanah's sister." I say and he smiles.

"I thought you two were sisters." He says and I laugh.

"Nice to meet you Bontempelli." Alyssa says putting her hand out to shake his, Marcus chuckles and pulls her into a hug and I can tell she's shocked.

"Nice to meet you too Alyssa." Marcus says and Alyssa smiles.

"And you too Natalia." Marcus adds.

"Now thinking of it you two are a splitting image." He says and Alyssa and I laugh.

"Everyone says that." Alyssa groans and I laugh.

"Shit, I just realised I have my first physio session now, I'll see you guys at training." Natalia says and I smile at her as she gets up and walks out of the lunch room. Alyssa smiles at me and I roll my eyes.

"What?" I say and she giggles which causes me to roll my eyes again.

"I swear you're still 12 sometimes." I say and she rolls her eyes.

"Do you blame me though?" She says and I know exactly what she was giggling about. Marcus looks at us confused.

"You gonna fill me in, on your inside joke?" He says with a smirk.

"You and my sister huh?" She says and Marcus laughs.

"Yep." He says with a smirk.

"We're not even official yet." I say rolling my eyes but smiling and Marcus agrees.


"I don't care. You two will be together." She says and Marcus nods.

"We will." He agrees and I smile.

"Exactly Alyssa." I say. "I'm usually the impatient one but looks like the roles have reversed"

"Alright alright I'll stop." Alyssa says and Marcus and I laugh

"She won't stop will she?" Marcus asks and I laugh.

"Nope, she won't." I say, Alyssa rolls her eyes and takes out her phone and scrolls on Instagram. Marcus and I continue to talk about random things before we head out onto the Oval to wait for everyone else to get changed. Bonnie Toogood is already there waiting along with us.

[Under editing] You and I - Marcus BontempelliWhere stories live. Discover now