One Hundred and Five

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I can tell he's disappointed but I know he is itching to get back on the field. I'm hoping his shoulder has just come out of his socket and it's a simple as just putting it back in and he'll be fine for the rest of the game. I walk Josh down to the rooms where Dr Zimmerman follows us and pops Josh's shoulder back in place, then in no time he's back on the ground.

I'm glad that he's back out there, as I would be so upset if he was ruled out of the game as he has finally found some form and has been smashing it.

The games going pretty good until Dunks punches the ball which dislocates his shoulder AGAIN. I run back out to the ground and see that he's in pain and his shoulder is now worse. He looks at me and I know that he knows it's worse this time.

"It's alright Josh." I say and he sighs walking off the ground and back down into the rooms. Where Dr Zimmerman meets us for what feels to be the 500th time.

He inspects Josh's shoulder and sighs

"I'm sorry Josh but this one looks worse than before." He says and Dunks nods

"We'll get you in to scans as soon as possible to see the damage but I reckon you could be out for a few months."

"A few months?" Josh says his voice cracking and Dr Zimmerman nods.

"I'll let you have a moment." He says walking out of the room. I look at Josh who is in tears and my heart breaks for him. I pull him in for a hug and hold him there until he calms himself down.

"I'm so sorry josh. But I promise you I will help you get through this injury. You've done it before and you'll do it again." I say and he nods

"I know I'm just disappointed." He says

"Fuck! I shouldn't have gone back on."

"Josh how would we have known this was gonna happen?" I ask

"We didn't." He sighs and I nod

"Exactly. You never know you could be out for a month or two depending on how bad it is."

"Yeah I guess." He sighs again and I pull him back in for a hug.

"You go on out to the bench, I'll call your family including Alanah I know she'll be worried."

"Can you call Alanah first?" He asks and I nod

"Of course." I say and he gives me a weak smile as he gets up and walks out. I pick my phone up and dial Alanah's number.

"How's josh?" She asks and I sigh

"Not too good, he may need a shoulder reco. Could be out for a couple of months. He's gonna get scans in the coming days though." I say and Alanah sighs

"Fuck. My heart breaks for him."

"Same, he was so upset, and still is." I say

"I could imagine." She says.

"Well I told him we'd be here to support him"

"Yes we will. I'll see you when you get home. You gotta call his fam." she says and I sigh.

"Yeah thanks, I'll keep you updated." I say then I hang up. I dial the Dunkley residents home phone number and Lisa picks the phone up instantly.

[Under editing] You and I - Marcus BontempelliWhere stories live. Discover now