One Hundred and Twenty Eight

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The next week goes by pretty fast. We literally did nothing all week as we've been in lockdown for 2 weeks now, so the only thing we could do was go for a walk, and the boys could go to training. 

Thankfully though, we're out of lockdown now, which means we can go out, but still can't have people over and have to be within a 25km radius from our house. 

Cafe's, bars and restaurants are now open, not only for take away, but for dining in too, which I am happy about. I missed catching up with friends and family at a Cafe or restaurant. 

Speaking of meeting up with friends. I am meeting with Sophia at 11. We organised a catch up late last night as I have something planned for her and my cousin, Thomas. They're the same age and I know Sophia is attracted to him, considering all those months ago when I showed her a photo of him. 

Hopefully, it goes to plan, but basically I'm setting them both up. I've planned to meet with both Thomas and Sophia, only to introduce the two of them, and then ditch them both. 

I know Sophia will hate me for it, but hey if she gets a boyfriend out of it, I can say my job is done. 

"You're crazy." Marcus says as I start to get ready and I laugh. Marcus is sitting in bed, with the blankets still on. He's leaning against the bed head, with the blankets sitting halfway down his stomach, revealing his toned body. I can't help but scan his body while looking at him. He is just too sexy for my liking. 

"Nah, I don't think I am." I say, looking at him and he laughs. 

"Whatever you say babe." 

"I'm telling you, this is gonna work." 

"Well. We hope so." Marcus says and I smile. 

I continue getting ready while taking a few glances at my boyfriend, trying to not make it obvious, but I know I'm probably making it so obvious. 

I am in the middle of admiring him when Marcus leans over and grabs a tissue from the bedside table. He then gets up and walks over to me. He daps the tissue at the corners of my mouth and says, with a smirk. 

"You got a bit of drool their babe." 

This makes me roll my eyes as he knows damn well the affect he has over me. 

"Shut up. Like you wouldn't look at me." I say turning my attention to picking out what shoes to wear. 

"Oh I definitely would, there's not denying it. Especially when you have a gorgeous figure." He says and I can't help but blush. He always makes me feel good about myself. 

"Would you like me to keep going?" He asks and I shake my head. 

"No, that's enough, or you won't get me out of the house." I say and he laughs. 

"Damn, maybe I should continue." He says grabbing my waist and placing kisses on my neck and I take a deep breath. 

"Marcus." I say and he chuckles. 

"Okay, fine. Keep me hanging." He says sighing. 

"I'm sorry. If I wasn't going out..." I say feeling guilty and he smiles. 

[Under editing] You and I - Marcus BontempelliWhere stories live. Discover now