One Hundred and Thirty Six

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I wake up to Marcus nudging me on the shoulder, but I don't want to wake up. I groan as I roll over and slowly open my eyes. 

"Babe. Wake up." He whispers. 

"Why." I groan. 

"Because, we have to grab our things and fly to Perth." 

"What wait?" I say and he nods. 

"Yep." He says and I sit up as my head pounds from the massive headache I've coped from drinking a shit ton last night. 

"What like right now?" 

"No, our flight is at 3pm. It's currently 12." He says and I sigh getting up and heading straight to the bathroom to freshen up. 

"You're coming with us babe." He says and I turn around and look at Marcus. 

"Am I working?" 

"Yep." He says and I sigh. 

"Alright, shit I need to pack." I say freaking out and Marcus chuckles. 

"I've done that for you." 

"Really?" I ask as Marcus walks up to me and wraps his arms around me and he nods. 

"Yep. I have. Maybe just go through and check it in case I've forgotten anything." He says and I nod as I hug him. 

"Thank you." 

"It's no problem Em. I knew you'd stress out about it if I just told you and you had to pack." 

"You know me too well." 

"I sure do." He says with a chuckle and I smile. 

"I'll go through the bag." 

"Cool, we're required to be at the club at 1:30, the latest." 

"Okay, well gotta get moving!" I say and he nods. 

Marcus walks downstairs as I go through the bag he has packed for me. He missed a few essential items, so luckily I did go through it because I don't think I'd be able leave the resort. 

I decide to bring our stuff downstairs and plonk them on the floor. Josh and Baz are already up as well making themselves something to eat. 

"Want anything Em?" Josh asks and I nod. 

"Yes please." I say and Josh smiles as he puts two pieces of toast in the toaster. There's no time to cook up a storm so toast with butter and Vegemite seems like the best option. 

"How have you recovered from last night?" 

"Pretty well actually." Josh says and I nod. 

"That's good. Wait why are you coming? You can't play..." 

"I'm not coming, I woke up so I decided to let Alanah sleep by coming downstairs." He says and I nod. 

"Okay, makes sense." I say as I take a seat on the bench next to Baz and start eating my toast.... 

A few hours later 

We arrive in Perth and are loaded onto a bus and head straight to the resort. And I was right, we're not allowed to leave the resort unless we are going out for training, which is kind of annoying as I want to explore Perth. 

Marcus and I are sharing a room which is a plus I guess. So the rest of the day is spent lounging around the apartment. Before we decide to go and explore the resort. 

Most of the boys are itching to go and play golf, but the resort doesn't have a golf course, which is disappointing for them. 

The boys are all sitting in a room after a meeting about what the week is going to look like when I come in. 

"Hey guys, I know you guys have wanted to play golf, unfortunately the only thing I could pull closest to a golf course is the Wii." I say and they all laugh. 

"You're a legend Martinelli." Cody says and I laugh as I place it on one of the tables and connect it to the Tv. 

"You need to play." Aaron Naughton says and I nod. 

"Alright, I will play. And I will beat all of your asses. I was a gun as a kid at Wii sport." 

"Sure sure." Aaron says and I laugh. 

"Just wait and see." I say as I start up the Wii and head press on the golf section in the menu of Wii Sports. 

"Alright, we can only have four players so who's playing?" I ask and most of them put their hands up. 

"Alright how about we do this, winner stays on while the others have to swap?" I ask and they all nod. 

"Sounds good to me." Marcus says and I smile. 

I hand a remote out to the boys that want to play. And of course everyone was pushing for Marcus and I to play against each other, which ended up happening because it would be quite funny as we both love winning. 

I ended up winning the first round which no one expected. I didn't stop bragging about it that's for sure. 

We ended up playing a few more rounds before everyone got bored cause apparently it's not the same as playing real golf, which is fair enough. So of course we play bowling and tennis before we all head up to our rooms to for some down time. 

I snuggle into Marcus on the couch and he chuckles. 

"What a weekend it's been." He says with a sigh and I nod. 

"Definitely, it's been interesting to say the least." 

"Yep, the siren loss to Geelong, then the wedding and now we're in Perth for a week." 

"There's never a dull moment in our lives." I say and he laughs. 

"That's actually very true." 

"Also how did you manage to get the Wii?" 

"Funny story actually. I was with Jaydo, and we were going through what the week was going to be like and I told him how all the boys wanted to have a swing on the golf course, and he pulled a few strings for me and the resort ended up having an old Wii that was just sitting there." 

"That is brilliant." He says and I laugh. 

"I know." I say and he smiles. 

We spend the rest of the night relaxing on the couch, which is nice as we don't get to do that very often. We end up heading to bed pretty early, exhausted from the events of last night and today... 


Bit of a filler chapter but hope you guys still enjoyed! 

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Next update out soon! 

[Under editing] You and I - Marcus BontempelliWhere stories live. Discover now