One Hundred and Sixty Seven

254 10 72

^^^ love them so much 

We all hop out of the car and I smile as I see we're at Treasury gardens. It really is such a beautiful place to take photo's, Alicia, our photographer really is the best in the business. 

"Hey gorgeous people." Alicia says pulling me into a hug and I smile. 

"Hey! Thank you so much for choosing this beautiful place! Where do we start?" I ask wanting to get stuck right into the photos. 

"Eager?" She says and I nod which makes Marcus laugh. 

"She's very eager." Marcus says with a smirk and I slap him lightly across the arm which makes him laugh. 

"Alright so I was thinking we could go over there where the walkway is and take a photo of you two there." Alicia says pointing behind us and I nod, looking back to see a gorgeous walkway with the tree's lined up along the footpath, it will make a great pic. 

Marcus and I walk over and follow the directions of Alicia who tells us to do multiple poses and to stand in a certain way. 

My favourite photo was when she told me to wrap my arms around Marcus' neck and we had to look into each other's eyes. Then she told us to move our heads closer so that our foreheads were touching. Luckily I am wearing heel's so Marcus doesn't have to be too uncomfortable with bending down. 

She shoots multiple photos of us in different areas of the park, then we do group shots with the bridal party, before the couples have an opportunity to get their photo taken. 

I'm standing with Aaron as we watch Kimmy and Ads get their photo taken and I smile. 

"So how's it going with you and Alyssa?" I ask nudging him and he chuckles. 

"It's good... I guess, but I don't know what we are." He says and I nod. 

"Yeah it's pretty new isn't it?" 

"Yeah I guess, I mean she is gorgeous, but I just don't know if she's using me to get over Daicos or whether she actually likes me." He says and I nod. 

"Yeah, if you want on another day I can speak to her and find out for you." 

"That would be great." He says and I smile. "I do like her." he admits and I smile. 

"Well, I'll be making sure she doesn't use you, cause you're a good kid." I say and he smiles. 

"Thanks Em." He says as he gets called up to take photos with Alyssa and I smile. 

"Hey you." Marcus says pulling me into a hug and I smile. 

"Hey." I say looking up at him as a wrap my arms around his neck.

"Did I tell you how gorgeous you look today?" 

"You've said it about 50 times but thank you." I say and he chuckles. 

"Just want to make sure you know that you're fucking sexy." He says and I smile. 

"And so are you." I say placing a kiss on his lips and he smiles. 

[Under editing] You and I - Marcus BontempelliWhere stories live. Discover now