One Hundred and Twenty Seven

157 5 14

The next morning I wake up in my bed. I definitely missed sleeping in my bed for the week. But who knows what's going to happen if lockdown is extended.

If it is, it means it could potentially move our game with Geelong out of Victoria. But again because it's only Metropolitan Melbourne in lockdown, they could still go ahead with the game here in Victoria.

But I believe we'll be out of lockdown by then. But who even knows.

Marcus is already out of bed, I assume he went out for a run. I swear he can't have a morning where he doesn't go for a walk or a run, but I love him for it.

I decide to get up and head downstairs. I smile when I see Alanah and Josh sitting together on the couch, admiring little Oliver.

"Morning." I say heading over and taking a seat next to Josh and they both smile.

"Morning Em."

"How's he doing?"

"He's good." Josh answers and I smile.

"He's so adorable." I say and Alanah nods

"Like his Dad."

"No! Like his Mum." Josh says and I roll my eyes

"I swear if you two start arguing over who's cuter I'm gonna flip it." I say and they both start laughing.

The front door opens and Marcus walks in. I get up and sprint to him, nearly knocking him over and the coffee's in his hands when I try to leap into his arms.

Marcus puts the coffee's down on the floor and wraps me in a hug.

"What's that for?" He asks with a smile and I sigh

"I didn't get my cuddles this morning." I pout and he laughs

"I'll give you cuddles later I promise." He says placing a kiss on my lips. Then proceeding to pick the coffees up on the floor and walking into the kitchen.

He hands a coffee to Alanah and Josh, then hands one to me.

"Thanks babe." I say and he smiles as we both take a seat on the couch.

"So has anyone heard anything from Bianca?" Alanah asks and I shake my head

"Nope. But I know Daniel is organising for Bianca and Jack to meet up at a park or something. They really just need to talk." I say and Alanah nods

"Yeah I agree, well hopefully it goes well." She says and I nod in agreement.

We continue having some conversations about what we're gonna do this weekend if we come out of lockdown, but the reality is, there will be nothing really to do because I don't think they'll release restrictions too much.

We're discussing what our week looks like when the doorbell rings. I jump up and walk to the front door, wondering who the hell will come to our house during lockdown.

I open the door to see Bianca standing there. I smile, pulling her into a hug.

"I have missed you." I say and she sighs

[Under editing] You and I - Marcus BontempelliWhere stories live. Discover now