Fifty One

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Emilia's POV

Day one without talking to Marcus....

It's been one day, yep one day since my life went from good to shit in a matter of 5 seconds. I haven't stopped crying since yesterday. Everything seems to remind me of Marcus, everything I do, or try to do just somehow my mind links it to how Marcus will think or what he'd do. My heart aches not being able to contact him, but I know he needs space. I sigh to myself as I check my notifications on my phone. I look through all my notifications hoping that there's a message from the one person I want to communicate with. But of course there isn't. It hurts even more than yesterday that's for sure. I decide to get up and I walk into my ensuite and look in the mirror. My eyes are puffy from all the crying I've been doing in the passed 24 hours. I splash my face with water, even though it does shit to get rid of the puffiness. I put my training gear on and head down to the Whitten Oval for training, even though I really can't be bothered. But I know I need to go training because I'm not going to get anywhere moping around the house. And plus, this is my dream to play AFL, I am not going to let it go to waste over a stupid misunderstanding. Last night the girls made it clear to me that one day Marcus will come around, when he's ready. And I believe them. As much as it hurts to not contact him, I know this is what he needs and if it makes him feel better then I'll do it. I hop into my car and drive to the Whitten Oval, trying not to think about Marcus.

Marcus' POV:

Day one without talking to Emilia....

It's been one day, one fucking day of me not contacting Emilia. And it's killing me. I don't know how many times I've nearly pressed on her name to call her. But I don't, because as much as I want to know the truth, the truth could hurt more than what I could imagine and I don't think I'm ready for that yet. Baz stayed the night because he didn't want me to be alone with just me and my thoughts, which I appreciate. I was an emotional mess last night and Baz promised me he will find out the truth sometime today. I think he is helping out at the women's training so that would be a perfect opportunity. In the meantime Josh is coming over to keep me company. I still can't believe this has actually happened, that Emilia and I's future is on the line here, because of what I saw and assumed happened. Josh gets here in not time and Baz leaves.

"Do you really think she cheated?" I ask Josh and he shrugs.

"Look, it's a 50/50 but if there is one thing I know about Emilia, is that she doesn't lie and always has a good explanation to the things she does." He says and I nod.

"I just don't want it to be true you know." I say my voice cracking and he nods.

"I know bro. But it's fine Baz will find out today." He says and I nod. The thing is, is I don't know if I'm ready to hear it. I'm not prepared for another fucking break down. But last night I prayed to God to make sure it's not true and I just blew things out of proportion.

Emilia's POV:

I get to training and park in my usual spot and I sigh as I see Baz's car parked near mine. Of course the day I want to avoid any of the boys, is the day one of them is here. And out of everyone that came, it's one of Marcus' closest friends. If there is one thing for sure, that is I am not going to have a mental breakdown in front of everyone. So I plant a smile on my face when I walk in. I spot Sophia and she wraps me into a hug.

"Daniel told me what happened." She whispers and I nod.

"He feel so bad." She says and I shrug.

[Under editing] You and I - Marcus BontempelliWhere stories live. Discover now