Forty Two

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The next few days fly passed, with me going to training, studying and seeing Marcus. That's basically what my life is now. And I couldn't have pictured it any other way. I still can't believe that Marcus is my boyfriend, which my sound stupid to some, but honestly, I'm still in shock. It all felt like a dream, but it obviously wasn't! My parents were so happy when I told them that Marcus and I are official. They love him just as much as I do. Noah, Alyssa and Leo were also happy for me.

Today is the day where I'm catching up with Crippa. I'm excited because I haven't seen him in ages and we've become close over the last few weeks. Patrick told me to meet him at The Journal Café for brunch at 11:30. So I get dressed into some jeans and a top and I'm off. It takes me no longer than 15 mins to get there, with the early morning traffic turning my 10 min journey into a 15 min one. I'm glad it wasn't longer.

I find a carpark near the cafe and park my car. I then jump out and walk in. I spot Patrick already sitting at a table, he waves to me and I walk up to him and he pulls me in for a hug.

"Hey." I say and he smiles.

"Hey Em, long time no see." He says and I laugh.

"It's been a while." I say taking a seat and he nods.

"So how have you been?" I ask and he chuckles.

"Yeah alright, just trying to keep myself occupied with footy season over." He says and I laugh.

"That's been me." I say and he smiles.

"At least you have kept yourself occupied." He says with a smile and I roll my eyes.

"Alright, fair enough but enough about that." I say and he laughs.

"You know I'm housemates with Silvagni." He says and I nod.

"Yeah Bianca mentioned that to me the other day." I say.

"Yeah well I'm thinking of moving out cause Bianca is always over." He says trying not to laugh and I laugh.

"Ohhh I feel so bad for you." I say laughing

"I can't handle it." He says and I laugh.

"Awww, someone might be in need of a girlfriend." I say and he shrugs.

"I mean yeah. But who? I'm so focused on footy I don't even think of the dating aspect of my life." He says and I shrug.

"I dunno, you'll find someone." I say and he shrugs.

"I guess I will... one day." He says and I give him a sympathetic smile.

"So what did Marcus actually say on the phone to you?" I ask and he laughs.

"He told me that I couldn't catch up with you. But obviously we're sitting here now so he might be a bit pissed." He says laughing and I shake my head

"He's unbelievable."

"Nah, he was only joking. But it seems like he really trusts you."

"He does. I haven't given him a reason not to trust me." I say and Patrick nods

"I guess you're right." He says and I smile. A waitress comes over and asks us what we would like to order.

"I'll get the egg and bacon roll." I say and she nods writing it down

"I'll get the same." Patrick says

"And for coffee's?" She asks

"We'll get them after we eat, if we're not full." Patrick says and I smile.

"Could we get some orange juice?" I say and she nods.

"Of course, your meals will be out shortly." She says and I smile. She takes our menus and leaves.

"Did you get invited to the Brownlow?" I ask and he nods.

"Of course I did." He says and I laugh

"Okay good, I'll have someone I know there." I say and he smiles.

"It's fine I'm sure some of the other Bulldog boys and their partners are going too," he says and I shrug.

"Maybe." I say and he smiles.

"Do you know when you're debuting?" He asks and I shake my head

"Nope, Burke hasn't told us yet, but there's still a while to go until the season starts." I say and he nods.

"Fair enough." He says and I smile.

"So how does it feel to have a boyfriend." He says with a smile and I shrug,

"The same as before, except I can now say 'Marcus is my boyfriend.'" I say and he nods.

"Everyone could tell that you two liked each other." He says and I raise an eyebrow,

"Was it that obvious?"

"Yep." He says and I smile.

"Well, it doesn't matter now, after what I posted the other night everyone basically knows about it." I say and Patrick nods.

"Yep, they sure do." He says and I smile. We continue talking until our food comes, then we tuck right in.

"It's good." I say and Patrick nods.

"It is." He says with a mouth full of food and I laugh.

The rest of the day goes by pretty fast. Patrick and I continued to talk about life in general and what we want to do after footy as footy can only take up the younger years of your life. You get to a certain age and your body tells you that you've had enough. After my cute little outing with Patrick, I went to Marcus' house to spend some more time with him, then I went home and studied as exams are in a weeks time. I also sent a message to Tiana, a girl from high school to see if she could do my makeup and hair for the Brownlow this week and she is willing to do it. So I'm happy that I have someone booked! 


Hey guys, sorry this ones a bit shorter than the passed two chapters.

I promise the next few chapters will be better and they'll get very interesting that's for sure!

Hope you still enjoyed it though!

Make sure to vote and comment your thoughts!

[Under editing] You and I - Marcus BontempelliWhere stories live. Discover now