One Hundred and Thirteen

172 7 41

Marcus' POV

"Hey Marcus." Amber says with a smile and I roll my eyes. 

"Amber, what are you doing here?" I ask 

"Oh, I just thought I'd pay you a visit." She says trying to walk passed me and into the house, but I stop her, and she backs away. 

"Why? And first of all how do you know where I live?" 

"I have my ways of finding those things out." She says with a wink and a shudder runs through my spine. Did she just really do that? 

"That's not creepy at all. But what do you want? Just get to the point." 

"What I want?" She says stepping closer, and I take a step back. 

"I'm sure it's getting obvious now." She says with a wink. 

"No, it actually isn't very obvious." I say and she laughs. 

"Oh Marcus, Marcus, read in between the lines." She says placing a hand on my chest. I can't move. I would if I could, but if I go back any further she will be able to get into the house. I gulp as I am sort of getting the message of what she wants now. 

"Is everything alright Marcus?" Josh yells out and I turn my head and sigh, a huge sigh of relief, because now I can use our code word. We have a code word for when we need to call the police. It's just saying footy three times in a sentence, pretty easy to remember. 

"Yeah, I'm okay. But would you be able to go upstairs and check if my footy is there, you know my favourite footy? The footy from my first ever AFL game?" 

"Yeah, I'll go look for it now." Josh says and I hear him run up the stairs. 

"Why does he need to check for your footy?" Amber says, clearly confused and I look back at her. 

"Oh... because I have this superstition that if I ever lose that footy, I'll start playing bad, so I have to constantly check that it's there, in case I accidentally misplace it." I lie and she nods. I'm actually surprised she bought that piece of bullshit. 

I hear footsteps bounding down the stairs and I know Josh has called the police. 

"I found it Marcus, it's right where you left it." He calls out and I nod. 

"Thanks Joshy." I say and Amber rolls her eyes. 

"So, back to what I was saying..." She says and I gulp again, just before I'm about to say something to get her to back off, we hear: 

"Amber Kendrick, you're under arrested for stalking." A police officer says and I sigh, a massive sigh of relief. 

Amber glares at me and stamps her foot as she is taken away to the cop car. 

"You will pay for this Marcus Bontempelli." She says and I chuckle as another police officer comes up and has a chat to me. 

"So Marcus, because she has threatened you, you can file a restraining order against her." The officer says and I nod. 

[Under editing] You and I - Marcus BontempelliWhere stories live. Discover now