Chapter 28

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Jaden pov

"Well, as much as I would love to stay, I have to get back. Your father was left alone with a cake mix and a whisk, I highly doubt that has gone well." My mom laughed as she walked over and picked up her bags.

"I'll walk you out." I said as she nodded.

She quickly turned to Leela who was sat on the floor, drinking the juice she came in with. From where I was stood, it looked like she had broken her legs. I will never understand why girls sit in some of the weirdest positions you could ever see.

"Goodbye my little munchkin." This got Leela's attention as she stood up and walked over to my mom. Or waddled over because of her leg being numb from the awkward position she sat in.

"Bye bye gram gram." She said as she hugged her legs.

She then waddled back over to where she was sat, and sat in quite possibly, an even more awkward position. I shook my head and lightly chuckled to myself as I left my daughter and Roxy in the kitchen to walk my mom to the door.

"Did you fuck her?" I- excuse me?

"What?" I asked, taken aback by the sudden question.

"You heard me." She laughed.

"That is not information I need to disclose with you mother." I denied as she continued to laugh.

"Please don't let this one go." She whispered as she hugged me goodbye.

"I don't plan on it." I whispered back to her before pulling out of the hug. "Thanks for having her by the way." She laughed and opened the door.

"That's okay. Next time it would be nice to have a bit of warning as to if a girl was going to be here when I dropped her off."  She teased as she walked down to her car.

"Yeah, the day I talk about my sex life with my mom is the day I drop dead." I laughed as she did.

She waved bye and got into her car. I waited until she had pulled out onto the road, and then shut the door. I walked back into the kitchen. Leela lifted her head and looked at me.

"Daddy?" She said in the tone she uses when she's going to ask something.

"Yes princess?"

"What's a sex life?"

Roxy pov

"Yeah, the day I talk about my sex life with my mom is the day I drop dead." We heard Jaden laugh from the front door.

"Roxy?" No don't do it. "What's a sex life?" Fuck sake.

"Uh, that's a question for you dad, not me." I quickly denied, she looked at me and then shrugged her shoulders.

"Okay." She said, and turned back to the colouring she had gotten out of the bag she had on.

I was just drinking my coffee, and Leela colouring the snake on the paper, when Jaden walked into the kitchen. He noticed Leela lift her head up, and the look on his face told me that he knew she was going to ask something. Oh you don't even know.

"Daddy?" She said.

"Yes princess?" He replied.

"What's a sex life?" His face dropped as soon as those words exited her mouth. I don't think it was his intention for his daughter to hear what he said, but she did.

"It's adult cuddling baby." He quickly said.

"So I can't have a sex life?" I had to bite my finger trying not to laugh as his face dropped even more from her question.

"No, you cannot." He dismissed.

"But I want to be an adult." She whined as she looked up at him.

"But you're too little. You're still a little baby." He said in a child's voice as he bent down to pick her up.

"No I'm not, I'm four." She said as she held up three fingers. Jaden quickly corrected her by lifting a fourth finger.

"But you're still my little baby. And you're never ever allowed to grow up, because then I'll have no little babies left." He said as he put her on the counter next to me.

"But you can get more when I'm all growed up." She argued.

"It's not as easy as that though baby." He said as he refilled her juice bottle with water.

"How are babies made?" I laughed lightly as I watch Jaden drop his head. He closed his eyes and sighed heavily.

"Well, you have a mommy and you have a daddy. The daddy gives the mommy a special pill that she takes, and when it starts to work, a baby is planted in her tummy. And then after the baby stops growing in her tummy, it's time for the baby to come out. So doctors like Ro Ro will use some special tools to get the baby out and then there is a baby born." He explained quite well.

"Did you give my mommy a pill?" She asked him. I saw him tense for a second at the mention of her mother, but he quickly dropped it before anything could change.

"Yes." Is all he said.

"Where is my mommy, daddy?" She asked.

"She's in heaven baby. She went to see god." He explained.

"More like hell." I mumbled under my breath, he shot me a look and I looked straight ahead.

My attention was brought back to the two sat next to me when I heard a faint scratching sound, and whines coming from Leela as Jaden tried to hold her arms.

"You can't scratch them baby. You'll hurt yourself." He said as he pulled her arms away from her chest.

"But it itches really badly daddy." She whined as she tried to protest. He sighed but didn't let go of her arms. She started to cry from how much discomfort they were causing her. "Please?" She whimpered.

"Do you have vinegar?" I asked as I slid off the side.

"Uh, the cupboard next to the fridge." He explained as he still held her arms.

I walked over to the cabinet and picked up the bottle of vinegar. I got one of the cups that was on the side, making sure it was clean and poured the vinegar in. I washed my hands and then walked back over to Jaden and Leela.

"Take her top off for me." I told him and he did so. "And now the bandage." He started to unravel the bandage as I got Leela's attention. "I know it's itching really badly, mine did too. But you cannot touch them okay? Once daddy has taken the bandage off, no matter how tempting it is, I need you to keep your arms by your sides. Do you understand me?" She didn't answer me, or even look at me for that matter. "Leela, at this moment in time I am your doctor. I need you to tell me that you understand what I have told you." I said sternly.

"I understand." She mumbled as Jaden took off the bandage.

"Okay, Lee Lee, this is going to be a little bit cold, but it's going to help the itching okay?" I said as she nodded.

I put the vinegar over each and every stitch, making sure each one was well coated. Once I was done, I poured the rest of the vinegar down the drain and washed my hands. I then asked Jaden to go and get me another bandage, which he did, and I wrapped it around her.

"Does that feel a little bit better?" I asked her as I pulled her top back over her head.

"A little bit." She mumbled as she hugged me.

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