Chapter 13

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⚠️⚠️ somewhat graphic description

Roxy pov

"Come on little miss. We need to get you home for a bath." Jaden said as he stood up, and tried to get Leela to stand up.

"No daddy. I don't want to go." She protested as she stomped her foot.

Jaden groaned and ran his hand across his face in annoyance. Leela continued to stomp her foot as he just looked to the sky, trying to calm himself. She went to hit his side out of anger before I grabbed her hand.

"Hey." I said as I turned her slightly to look at me. "Now you listen here, you do not ever hit your daddy. Just because you want to stay here does not mean that you get to hit him. Now I suggest you put away the strop and behave before he gets really cross. Daddy loves you, and you love him. You never ever, hit the people that you love and give you love." I said as I let go of her wrist. I didn't have a tight grip on her, but tight enough so that she couldn't pull away easily.

"But I want to stay here." She argued.

"Leela Hossler. I do not care what you want. You need to do what daddy says, he's the adult not you." I said to her.

"Fine." She said as she sulked her way over to Jaden and grabbed his hand. He mouthed a "thank you" to me, to which I smiled and gave a short wave before they both walked off.

"You're good with discipline."

"Fuck off Liam. I've been doing that since you were born, it's not a skill I take pride in having." I scoffed as I turned around to see his face with a sad smile on it.

"Fine then, I'll do what you ask."

"No. Wait." But it was too late, he had already faded, and nothing so much as a goodbye this time. Asshole.

After deciding that I didn't want to be in Central Park any longer, I made my way back to my apartment. I trudged up the stairs due to the elevator still being broken, and finally made it to my floor. I knew the door wouldn't have been locked, for the simple fact that my keys were still inside, and that I highly doubt Jaden would have been worried about my keys when he had to carry my limp, bloody body down the stairs.

I walked inside and nothing looked out of the ordinary. Exactly how it was two days ago.

Until I got to my bedroom. The bloody water marks on my bed from where Jaden had got me out of the tub, not caring what he got blood on. Neither did I.

The bathroom. The empty bottle and cap littered the floor, along with a bloody razor. The bath had red stains baked into the white porcelain. Something that will take a while to clean if it ever truly does.

I decided that it would probably be best to change the sheets first, knowing that cleaning the bathtub will more than likely tire me out and I'll want to just get straight into bed when I inevitably give up for one day.

After changing the sheets and throwing the bloody ones in the trash, not even bothering to try and get the blood out. I had trekked my way to the bathroom and picked up the razor blade and empty pill bottle, putting it in the trash as well.

I had ordered a pizza and started to work on scrubbing the bath. The blood was breaking off surprisingly well, and I didn't even notice almost an hour had gone by when a knock at my door broke me from my trance.

I had taken off the rubber gloves I was wearing and thrown away the sponge I was using, deciding it would be best to get another one out when I went back. I walked out of the bathroom and through to my apartment to the door and opened it, expecting my food to be there.

"Jaden?" I asked confused as I opened the door to let him in, as he was carrying Leela in his arms. "What's up?"

"I don't know." Bitch?

"I mean this in the nicest way; what are you doing here at ten o'clock at night carrying your four year old daughter?" I asked as I shut the door.

"I don't know, something happened and so I brought her here." He explained as he put her on the sofa to reveal a nasty cut above her eye.

"How did this happen?" I asked as I walked over to her, examining her to see if she needed stitches.

"I'm not entirely sure, I was in the kitchen making her juice, when I heard a scream come from the play room, I went in there and saw her on the floor holding her eye, crying. I picked her up and took her to the kitchen to put some ice on her eye before driving her here. Your apartment is a whole 45 minutes away from the hospital, and because you're a doctor I thought you'd know what to do." He stumbled over his words a bit, showing just how panicked he was.

"Calm down, she'll be fine. Can you tell me how long she's been asleep?" I asked as I walked to my cabinets to get out a pain killer and some butterfly stitches.

"She fell asleep on the way up." He said.

"Okay. I'll need to wake her up soon to make sure she hasn't got concussion or anything, which is a normal thing to check for with head traumas, but she'll be fine. I'll put some butterfly stitches on, and a painkiller solution on and she should be fine." I explained as I poured some warm water into a glass and dissolved a pain killer into it, mixing with a spoon.

"Stitches? I'd prefer to take her to a hospital then." He said as he went to pick her up again.

"Don't touch her. Okay two things. One, I'm a little hurt that you would prefer a hospital than me." I joked. "And two, they are butterfly stitches, they don't require a needle. They are just adhesive strips that will hold the cut together until it's healed. See?" I explained as I chucked the box to him from the kitchen as I washed my hands.

"Oh ok." He said as he read the box.

I walked over and took a surgical brush, dipping it into the painkiller solution. I put it across the cut liberally.

"Why don't you just have her take the tablet?" Jaden asked as he sat next to her body on the sofa.

"Because I've put two pills in here, to make it last a little longer. Her body and immune system is too little to cope with a whole pill, two would overdose her on the spot. And putting it directly onto the source will directly work on the area, instead of distributing it all around her body as it dissolves in her blood stream." I explained as I put the brush and solution down and squeezed the cut together.

I wiped the blood that come out of the cut and then applied the butterfly stitches. I put a square band-aid over the stitches and packed up the kit.

"She should be fine. I'll wake her up in half an hour and see if she has a concussion, which would be likely considering how hard she must have hit for it to break the skin that deep. Keep her here for now, and try not to move her too much. Did she eat before this had happened?" I asked as I poured the solution down the drain.

"She had a chicken salad tortilla because that's what she wanted when we got home, but she hasn't eaten since then. And that was at like six." He explained as he brushed his hand through her hair lightly.

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